pregnant and im paranoid he's cheating

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I know so much about guys and how they need their wifey all tucked away while they have a mistress on the side. I am so paranoid my guy is either doing this or planning to do it once he thinks he's got me. He is absolutely amazing and I'm crazy about him I think I'm going to ruin our closeness because I'm always letting him have it. He jumps through all my hoops and hasn't ever done anything suspicious and still I can't relax. I already have a five year old from a past relationship.. I'm 24 now and due in September. Im so paranoid I even contemplate abortion .. I think its just my pregnancy hormones but I need to stop because its tearing us apart and were a great couple.


  • Sweetheart, if he hasn't given you a reason to suspect that he's cheating, do NOT jump on him. It WILL push him away, pregnant or not. These hormones are a beeotch to deal with, but you have to keep things in perspective. He's innocent until proven guilty.
  • I have the same problem girl. My & my bf have beentogther for 4 years & Im scared that he will cheat. That is just us being insecure. U should try talking to him about your problem. It was tearing us apart also till I talked to him n told him how I feel. We argued at first but we ended up straigtening things out. U need comunication or u might end up seperating. Guys hate when we acuse them
  • Of something they havent done. Ttrust me what u need is communication or ur just gona push him away. Hope this helps
  • One piece of advice from past experience I think the Guy who is over protective and accuses you of being untrustworthy is the Guy you need to get rid of. If he's a good Guy like you say hunny bee, then Id say you got nothing to worry about!! Xoxo
  • I would talk to him about how u feel,, an just explain that ur hormons are all nuts an u dont want to mess up ur relationship,,, if he is a good man and is not cheating then he will sit an talk about it with out getting angry
  • We talk about it and he is very good about it just waiting for me to stop busting his balls as he puts it. I know he used to like strip clubs before me and I just can't accept that he is giving up his old ways because he wants to settle down and start a family. We said all this before I found out I was pregnant. Also I think he got me pregnant on purpose .. he was tracking my cycle and knew when I was most fertile. He's a great catch I just can't believe I'm his choice.
  • Ive never thought my bf would cheat bur since I got pregnant a part of me is having these wild thoughts that for some reason he wont want me. But I knoe its just hormones totally because he is just as excited and committed as I am. And I think of it like this, if he would cheat on me in my most vulnerable point in life then I dont wanna be with that kinda scumbag anyways. and that makes me feel confident which is something thay love about us girls :D ps I looove my baby daddy
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