hcg of 1369@ 5 wks 3dys. seems low to me...

Every where I have looked this number is on the low end and I am having pain on my Rt side. Not constant or sharp just dull and occasional. But it makes me worry of ectopic pregnancy. Input would be appreciated


  • talk to your doctor. he should be able to tell you more about this stuff.
  • Thank you I will talk to him but I guess I was looking for other women who maybe have personal experience with same issues and what their end result was.
  • I had the same dull off & on ache on my right side & being that I miscarried last year I of course that eptopic. But my doctor told it could be a cyst & we did the ultrasound at 6wk 3days & sure enough it was a cyst. After I got in my 7th week the aches went away. Try not to worry & check with your doctor. I'm 24 weeks now & all is great.
  • I was only a lil over 10,000 at 5wks 5days..baby shud be fine
  • I miscarried at 6w 4d and my hcg levels were only at like 700...I think you're on the up and up. :)
  • @triplethreatbeauty do u mean 1000? Or were u at 10,000? @bke913 I am so sorry for your loss .
  • @314babymama1120 Thanks. I lost my baby in July of last year, and was pregnant again a month later. I'm now 31 weeks and baby is thriving, even though I think she's trying to bust out early! :)
  • Wow I was at 65 at 4.5 weeks ..:-0
  • @blueanjel how far along are you now?
    @bke913 That's great! So ur having a girl! How exciting! I obviously am to early to know but I have a strong feeling its a boy. Just wish I was in the 'safe zone'
  • I am 7 weeks now. First doc apt next wed
  • @314babymama1120 .yup 10-000 and the er dr said "youre barely pregnant“
  • They can see the sac with levels as low as 1200 so you might get an u/s and see what's going on. Cysts are normal during pregnancy.
  • At 4 weeks mine was 2200 they wasn't able to see anything They was concerned they thought I was further along but nope and I'm now almost 15 weeks and everything looks good I haven't did another blood test since then
  • I was 5700 at 5wks 6days they did an ultrasound and there was nothing there they did a repeat at 6wks6day my levels were over 10000 and there was hardly a little bean lol they told me its really hard to see anything unless you are around 10000 I had another ultrasound at 13 weeks and my baby was bouncing around in there... don't stress its really early to see anything
  • @Triplethreatbeauty Hcg levels vary greatly person by person. For an er doc to say 10,000 is low is dangerous and misleading. In week 5, levels can be anywhere from 1000-12000. So, yes,in 5 weeks, those level are low, because you are only five weeks in, I kind of want to yell at the doc who took care of you. You should have been given better information than that.

    For my first levels, done just as I started my fifth week, were 157. The second test, 4 days later, were 700, and my third test, just as I started my sixth week, were 5000. My docs said everything is fine.

  • oops.....those should be fourth, and fifth weeks, sorry.
  • Thank you so much @tnt2007! That's exactly what I needed to hear. That someone else had "low" levels And everything is fine now. I did make a Dr appt w a different doc for tomorrow to have them re test my levels just to see if they have gone up any since Monday.
  • Okay so that's whay im worried about That I was only 1369 on 5w2d..... it seems like everyone who is responding was much higher by that time. Well im going back tomorrow and ill see what they are 5w5 d and let u all know....
  • @tnt2007 if only you knew! 6hrs in the er for lower abdom pain. That doctor came in ONCE and told me
    1) i was barely pregnant at 5wk5d
    2)i had an std and passed it to my bf and baby
    3) I was in risk of having a miscarriage because of the std

    I told him it was all bulls*it...went to my ob she retested everything, and told me she doesnt know wat the er was talking about. Im completely healthy, no std or any thing. as for that miscarriage, im almost 3 most now.

    I hate that "doctor"!
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