I'm not really sure about what I've felt really... they say... like popcorn popping and gas bubble moving... I don't know... felt it last night, like a tickling on the inside... maybe
Am almost 15 weeks and I've been feeling him move well flutters for about 2 weeks. He's very active on my 2 ultrasound and trina catch his heart beat always moving all crazy. everyone is different on when u feel baby my cousin didn't feel baby until like 18 weeks
Im 17w6d and ive been feeling it for almost two weeks now. It didnt feel like flutters or tickles. It made me kind of skiddish. I feel him move mostly when im laying down for bed on my back or when I try an lay on my tummy he goes crazy.
Im due the 22nd with number 4 and I've been feeling a lot mostly when I'm laying down trying to sleep...and it takes me forever to get to sleep because I get excited lol
I am and I'm 15 weeks and 3 days well according to my us not my due date but I didn't feel it with my son till I was about 4-5 months so I guess its different everytime I hope u feel it soon.
Im 14 weeks, felt baby two days ago or at least I hope. I was laying on my side. It was weird, I waited to feel it again n didnt get it but while I was at work I felt it again this morning it was awesome.
I thought I felt mine last week. Nothing since then I swear I felt a teeny little push like baby was swimming really crazy and bumped me. That was a few days before the flutters. I'm 16w btw.
I'm 18 weeks, due Sept 9. I started feeling flutters probably around 16 weeks. We have a heart monitor and I felt something weird one night, so I decided to eves drop on my baby. Sure enough, (s)he was wiggling around wherever I felt that tightness. I would find the heartbeat where I felt the discomfort and then it would be gone in a different spot and so would the heartbeat! Now he's so active that it's difficult to find the heartbeat with the monitor. You can only listen for about 2 seconds before the little punk is off in another spot.
Last week I felt a small flick that I think was a genuine kick. And now I can really tell where the booger is hanging out if he's moving at all. I think I've got a kick boxing or ju jitzu master in the making.
I am close to 20weeks and I am really starting to feel the baby but not on the outside yet. I keep waiting to feel it on the outside. I think it will get my boyfriend more into the pregnancy.
I'm due around Sept 23 and I've felt like the butterfly wings in my stomach and yesterday I felt what felt like a stronger feeling in my stomach when my fiance an I were play fighting. I think (and hope) it was the baby!!
Last week I felt a small flick that I think was a genuine kick. And now I can really tell where the booger is hanging out if he's moving at all. I think I've got a kick boxing or ju jitzu master in the making.
Don't get me wrong... I love every second of it. And every discomfort.