September mommies to be- feeling baby yet?

edited March 2011 in Second Trimester
Im not :( still too early but sometimes it happens. Anyone experience it yet? Im like 16weeks now, but I cant wait to feel my lil peanut ;)


  • I think I can? Haha. I'm 15w. With my first.
  • Yes i have felt it a few times almost 17 weeks.
  • my gf has felt some movement. she is 15 weeks. im waiting fot the movement that I can feel too
  • Oooo yall are getting me excited! This is my first so im trying not to get my hopes up bcuz I knoe its probably gonna happen later on
  • This is my first as well I feel the baby kick I'm 17weeks can't wait to feel it again :)
  • I'm not really sure about what I've felt really... they say... like popcorn popping and gas bubble moving... I don't know... felt it last night, like a tickling on the inside... maybe
  • I'm due the 13th of Sept and I can and this is my first
  • Am almost 15 weeks and I've been feeling him move well flutters for about 2 weeks. He's very active on my 2 ultrasound and trina catch his heart beat always moving all crazy. everyone is different on when u feel baby my cousin didn't feel baby until like 18 weeks
  • I'm 16weeks today & I felt my jelly bean this morning for the first time! Ahh I couldn't stop smiling, it was amazing! ;)
  • Im 17w6d and ive been feeling it for almost two weeks now. It didnt feel like flutters or tickles. It made me kind of skiddish. I feel him move mostly when im laying down for bed on my back or when I try an lay on my tummy he goes crazy.
  • Im due the 22nd with number 4 and I've been feeling a lot mostly when I'm laying down trying to sleep...and it takes me forever to get to sleep because I get excited lol
  • I am and I'm 15 weeks and 3 days well according to my us not my due date but I didn't feel it with my son till I was about 4-5 months so I guess its different everytime I hope u feel it soon. ;)
  • Im 14 weeks, felt baby two days ago or at least I hope. I was laying on my side. It was weird, I waited to feel it again n didnt get it but while I was at work I felt it again this morning it was awesome.
  • I just started feeling flutter a few days ago. Km almost 18 weeks :o
  • I think I feel mine moving now but I'm not sure...It's really weird
  • I thought I felt mine last week. Nothing since then :/ I swear I felt a teeny little push like baby was swimming really crazy and bumped me. That was a few days before the flutters. I'm 16w btw.
  • I never felt flutters maybe I never paid attention enough...but at 19 weeks my daughter started kicking and rolling around been non stop since then:)
  • I feel like crazy!!!! very active baby us backs that up lol Im 17 weeks! started feeling a little around 16... becomes more and more....
  • I'm 18 weeks, due Sept 9. I started feeling flutters probably around 16 weeks. We have a heart monitor and I felt something weird one night, so I decided to eves drop on my baby. Sure enough, (s)he was wiggling around wherever I felt that tightness. I would find the heartbeat where I felt the discomfort and then it would be gone in a different spot and so would the heartbeat! Now he's so active that it's difficult to find the heartbeat with the monitor. You can only listen for about 2 seconds before the little punk is off in another spot.

    Last week I felt a small flick that I think was a genuine kick. And now I can really tell where the booger is hanging out if he's moving at all. I think I've got a kick boxing or ju jitzu master in the making.
  • The brat is kicking the crap out of me right now, actually. What is this going to feel like at 20+ weeks?! Eek.

    Don't get me wrong... I love every second of it. And every discomfort.
  • I am close to 20weeks and I am really starting to feel the baby but not on the outside yet. I keep waiting to feel it on the outside. I think it will get my boyfriend more into the pregnancy.
  • i havent yet :( im 17 weeks
  • Im due 9/11 and starting feeling some movement at 16wks, now at 18+4 I feel more movement but its not consistent since the baby is still pretty small.
  • I'm due around Sept 23 and I've felt like the butterfly wings in my stomach and yesterday I felt what felt like a stronger feeling in my stomach when my fiance an I were play fighting. I think (and hope) it was the baby!!
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