still tired

edited March 2011 in September 2011
Anyone else still exhausted? I'm always so tired.13 weeks tomorrow


  • I wasn't at first, but now I've been really tired lately. Im 13wks 3 days.
  • Im 25 and 1/2 weeks and im always exhausted. Went to the zoo yesterday and oh man am I feeling it today. I slept over 10hrs last night and right now I feel like I was up all night :( hopefully it gets better for you!
  • ALWAYS! 1st tri was the worst for me!! It's frustrating how much I need to get done during the day so I can work 11p to 7a. My body doesn't want to let me. I miss my 5hr energy shots! (26w)
  • I'm always tired and what's worse is I look tired. I've been waiting for that pregnancy glow I had with my first child but its been 17 weeks and I'm still waiting. Still waiting on my bump too. I'm tired of waiting lol
  • im 14 weeks and ive been super tired since 6 weeks...i really need to get some energy back...
  • 17 weeks n I feel so sleepy all the time specialy after I eat ...
  • I just got a nap! It was awesome!!

  • Make sure u r getting enough to drink that can make u tired too!!
  • @charlotteb I'm 9w 2d and so tired...yesterday I managed in two long naps. It was marvelous. But the lower back pain caused by my bed has brought me to the couch.
  • @ckazfirst, yeah, I woke up with back pain today too. But I have a boney 7 yearold sharing my bed right now, lol!! I blame her knees
  • 15 weeks and shattered!
  • Me Too, and I cant just sleep when I want bc I have 2 kids under 3yrs old
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