Freaky Food Fantasies

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I was watching on the Tyra Banks show about pregnant women who crave random things. It's called "pica" or something like that. Anyways they crave such wild things such as toliet paper & cigerette ashes! I've personally only been craving random foods and junk food but nothing unedible. I thought the show was really interesting tho so I figured I would ask, has anyone been craving anything out of the "norm"?


  • There was a girl I saw on here that likes to snort acetone. For acrylic nails. and a woman that craved chalk. Those cravings aren't healthy but its weird so I giggle. Sorry :/
  • I just couldn't see myself ever doing anything like that lol the wildest craving I've had is chocolate cream filled doughnuts with taco bell :p
  • With my first, the smell of dirt in my garden would make my mouth water. I had to literally control myself for fear that I'd just get a shovel and pug out. It was so weird. My doc suggested that I only light rinse my veggies from the garden for the illusion of dirt to kinda kill it. It didn't really work but I didn't ever eat dirt.
    I also craved beer. Dr. Told me to get non alcoholic beer..was so stinking happy after that!
  • Lol I ate plant soil when I was a toddler. I was in love with it. Haha my dr told my mom it was ok. I can't imagine eating it now. Weird thing is my fiance did the same thing as a kid!!!!
  • hahaha like they say "God made dirt, so dirt won't hurt!"

    but yes I have been craving alcohol, only because I know I can't have it tho.
    My doctor said a glass of wine is safe but I can't stand the taste! :(
  • I love anything to eat what is lemon, also had thing for cheese melted on chocolate bourbon biscuits at beginning! But now I love my lemons
  • I have been craving a lot of sugary foods. I'm surprised my baby hasn't turned into a lollipop :p
  • Usually craving dirt or things like that means a lack of some vitamin or mineral your body needs.. Kinda wierd. I never craved that stuff. Just cheese, choc cake, fruits and vegies! Love the smell of spices too!
  • @kara_lamek I'm the girl u saw that likes 2 "snort acetone" let's just Get that out there. I dnt like 2 eat it but the smell is addictive.
  • Im sorry I wasn't trying to be mean!!! I just thought it was weird! Maybe its a pregnancy thing.
  • It's ok...n yea it is weird n def a pregnancy thing kuz I neva did that b4.
  • My friend was addicted to taking bites out of plasterboard! She said it was the only thing that satisfied her, the doc said it was just a mineral she needed and taking it helped. Still did it every so often though, baby was perfect!
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  • mmmmm its 2A.M. and now I'm craving mac n cheese...... the joys of pregnancy lol
  • I have been craving Mexican food! I liked it before but I could eat it every meal every day! I'm waiting for the weird cravings to start! I work as a bartender and some of the alcohol smells so good like malibu and strawberry stoli! Sometimes I just sit there and smell them!
  • @Steeny oooh I love the smell of coconut so I could see where you're coming from with the malibu :) I've been trying out all the different kinds of subs from subway lately & they have been hitting the spot!
  • Omg do not eat subway! !! Or any other deli meat! Its very very bad for us pregos! ! Google it!
  • @ambieluv really?? I can't google it right now but I will as soon as I get home. The only things I've been getting is veggie, is that still bad?
  • @mamamia its because there may be bacteria in the meat so you should cook it first.. that's what was told to me.
  • I ate those sand every day with my son and he's perfect. The warn you on anything that's raw or alive in any way. Like soft cheese, yogurt, and yes lunch meats. But the good bacteria is good for you, that's the healthy part. If it should there is a slight chance of bad bacteria. Too us would just make us sick for day or two. For baby is more severe. But if you cut out everything you would lose most healthy food and have little left to eat..
  • I heard about hot dogs being bad for you but I had no idea a sub would be bad for you. I always get mine toasted anyway so I think I'll be alright. I go to the doctor regularly & they always do blood work because of my iron levels so i'm sure if i had some sort of bacteria they would find it before any damage would be done.
  • i like doritos with french onion dip lol
  • mmmmm doritossssss
  • mmm hmm lol
  • I'm indulging in some chocolate milk but I could def go for some chips & dip. It's funny how normally mixing the two would make me sick, but now it makes me drool lol
  • i know and it sounds like a weird combo but its like a tasty party in your mouth lol
  • "a tasty party in your mouth" hahahaha i love that!
  • lol my youngest son loves the cartoon yo gabba gabba and they sing a song that says "theres a party in my tummy so yummy so yummy" but i def think its just a yummy party in mouth!!
  • awe! my friend watches that with her baby & I've seen it a couple times. I can't wait to have my baby so I can have a reason to watch cartoons. I find myself watching spongebob and my boyfriend always thinks I'm weird because im 21 and still watching cartoons haha
  • yeah i am 22 and watch them all the time but yo gabba gabba is honestly a really weird cartoon! It teaches alot about sharing and eating and they do like a freeze dance thing but what gets me is the guy who wears the funny orange outfit the more i watch it the more i think he is crazy and the big fuzzy orange hat is just kinda out there haha
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