Due in Nov



  • Congrats to all the ladies that just found out that your pregos. I'm so excited for our ultrasound on Monday to hear the heartbeat and find out if pregos with 1 or 2, its crazy but I'm hoping for 2.
  • Congrats everyone. I just found two wks ago I'm pregnant with my second. L-) I'm due November 11 i think I'm 4 wks and 5days
  • Hi just found out im due on 11th november really excited and nervous because had a miscarriage at 6weeks in january. First scan 5th april. Congratulations too all of you :-) xxx
  • I'm pregnant with my 1st, due November 12. First appointment is April 4th. Yay! Good luck @lianne... were almost identical. ;-)
  • I just found out I'm pregnant after 8 months of trying, and 2 previous miscarriages. I am actually going in early to get my progesterone tested to see if I need shots to help prevent a third miscarriage. Preliminary due date Nov.16. Here's to praying everything sticks this time around!
  • Hi! My husband and I have endured three mc, but now I'm pregnant again and due Nov 3rd! I have been so anxious and worrying about everything. The Dr is watching this Preg much closer and has put me on protesterone so hopefully all goes well! Congrats to all the other November mommies as well!!
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  • MRs_AnnNyc, everyones different. it will be hard to say if u will be that way or not. Im due nov 5 or10 w/ my 3rd.this one better be a brease!
  • Congrats!! Im due nov 5th :)
  • Congrats I'm due Nov 8 with my first baby super excited! Any advice? When should we go to our first ultrasound? I heard 9 weeks but idk??
  • I'm prego with my sec and I'm due on my b-day, Nov 3!! My first was born on my mom's b-day, so this is exciting (:
  • I am due November 8th with my first child. I am so excited. As of today I am 5 weeks 3 days alone. I am twenty years old and scared to death. :-)
  • Was due period 3rd march but nothing yet i have no symptoms at all though.... I hope i am i wil be due 11.11.11 if i am wish me luck
  • I'm pregnant with my first due 11/11/11 (: best of luck to all the other moms. And those trying!
  • This my first, no symptoms other than having to get up and pee in the middle of the night several times. Also, if I don't eat I do get nause. I do once in awhile get little cramps but they go away.
  • I just found out on Monday...I am 4 wks and 6 days...due Nov. 13 :)
  • Due With my second on november 3 . Good luckmsm3
  • Pregnant for the 4th time...praying to finally be blessed with a bella baby! We're due 11/11/11 seems like such an awesome due date. I'm so nervous with 2previous mc and 1 tubal. I've felt crampy since my cycle was due...praying this is our time!! been with my hubby for 10yrs now:) please hang in there my littlest punkie, can't wait to meet u!!<3
  • Pregnant with my first, and I literally just started freaking out.. I see all the abbreviations and I have no clue what they mean!! Is there a place I can go to catch up on them??
  • I'm due Nov. 23 with my 1st! Very excited!!
  • Due November 20th with my first Also VERY EXCITED!!!! ;;)
  • Congrats everyone!! I'm Due November 14 also my first. I'm so excited but also freaking out.
  • I just had my 1st ultrasound and I'm so excited to find out that we are going to have twins.:) I was able to see their little heart beats.
  • congratulations msm322!
  • Congrats everyone! Took a preg test yesterday and we are expecting child number 2 on November 20th! Son turns 3 in April, we are excited!
  • Due nov 15 . Day before my dads bday whos in prison :/ ,but so excited
  • Im due nov 2nd and bugging myself with my first. Ill tell you thus far I am not a fan of this.
  • I'm due 11/22 with our third, due to csection she will take me the week before though so I'm guessing around 11/15
  • Im due nov 12 so exvited
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