My little girl just turned into a little BOY!!!

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
So I just got out of my ob office for my 3d ultrasound and my sweet baby girl grew a big penis! I'm 31 weeks with all PINK!!!! I don't have any blue or neutral gender clothes! On the big side my baby is perfect and very healthy! Weighing in at 3lbs 8oz! That is the most important thing! But I will be taking blue and pink to the hospital with me!


  • Oh my!!! Posts like this scare me! Lol but I've had 2 3d ultrasounds and 3 2d ultrasounds and she's always been a girl....I think im still safe....I hope! Lol well either way you will have a very healthy little one! :) How far were you when they said girl? Either way, congrats hun!!! :D
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  • Uh oh thtas crazy atleast you found out sooner then later
  • OH my! Congrats! I hope my little girl stays a little girl I got all PINK!
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  • I was a little over 16 weeks with my first ultrasound. The Dr didn't see a penis he saw what he said was the nut sack! I don't know what to believe!? I'm going to go buy some blue and keep my pink and be surprised! What the heck ladies?
  • We're waiting till birth to know the sex. Its fun.
  • Oh wow, well he shouldn't have said anything than! Lol maybe go in and schedule a private 3d scan, then you can know for sure! :)
  • Wow lol this is another reason im glad I got the amnio done and know she's 100% girl :) what a surprise!
  • The same happened to me I went wen I was 18 weeks an they said a girl then I went bac at 21 weeks an it was a boy now every time I go I ask the doc to mak sure its stil a boy lol
  • Lol stories like this are why were just gonna wait till the baby comes to know what it is. Gonna get neutral clothes from everyone.
  • I found out three weeks ago at 22 weeks I am having a girl. I have another ultrasound in a week and I really hope she is still girl lol
  • I think when they get us done at 12-13 weeks it's hard to tell. My doc makes me wait to 21 weeks to find out . I new I was having a boy and the us says girl. And she took a pix of her vajay so its a girl.
  • It apparently doesn't matter what you dress your kids in anyways. I have a 20 month old boy I dress in very boy clothes and everybody calls him a girl. I am constantly saying she's a boy. Lol
  • @mom60511 everyone calls my daughter a boy even if shes wearing pink. Blind people lol. I started putting bows in her hair.
  • Lol, my sister's Isabella did same. We still joke that Isabella is a boya :) good luck, don't stress!
  • Oh dear lord i pray my baby is still a girl! I even bought furniture towards a female orientation! And about 35 super girlie outfits! Jeez i thought they were more accurate now adays!
  • I asked somebody one day why they would think I would dress a girl in boy clothes and They said well I thought You probably had a boy a home and You were reusing clothes. Really that was an easier assumption then him being a boy dressed like a boy. Plus my kids have really nice high end clothes because their grandma loves shopping so They do not looked used.@Beautiful_Alter
  • Omgee...!! That's crazy!! When my husband was born (his mom didn't know the sex) and the dr said congratulations its a girl! But was a boy:) I always said w/my next baby I would keep the sex unknown, but idk if I can do that! Im only 14 wks.
    @mom60511 idk about those people, when my son was already big,like 2 people would ask if he a boy or girl!??? Really..i mean he had curly hair and all but was wear boy clothes!
  • This makes me nervous.. i went at 18 weeks 4 days and the tech siad shes 90% sure that its a girl. I took that as "its a girl" now i dont want my little girl becoming a little boy. I started getting clothes for a girl.

    I could always return the clothes but i was excited to have a girl. I just like to be 100% sure.
    Does it happen often?
  • Problem with not finding out and buying neutral colors is everyone will call ur baby the wrong sex!! I hate that. I hate when I do it.. I feel so bad!
  • Omg thats why im going next wk for a 4d ultrasound just to make sure shes a girl before my baby shower :)
  • With my first son... mn
  • sorry... mind you it was 12 years ago... they said he was a girl up until my seventh month. I was making a scrap book of the pregnancy for her/him but for the first whole part of the scrap book it was all pink with its a girl and her name. then at the end it just had two months of Opps its a boy! Be careful! I had to return so much stuff!
  • I just went for a 32 week ultrasound and asked if she might have changed into a he. We already have 2 girls together, but nope she's still a girl. And don't feel bad about the weight at 32 weeks mine weighs 4 lbs 13 ozs!
  • Holy cow....!!! Ok this scares me.... I'm 31 weeks I get my ultrasound Monday will be 32 weeks... have 3 boys and this ones a girl (I hope) so there beter not be any penis on this ultrasound I have boxes of girl stuff and its so close now... will be counting down the hours till this ultrasound
  • WOW and congratulations :)
  • Lol... this was just fun to read. :)
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