husband isnt being understanding or supporting.. & hes all i have.



  • It is true wat they say love is blind. While u r still in love with him u will always think that the relationship is fixible.
    Only u will no when u have had enough so just follow ur heart.
    I hope everything works out for u x
  • Thank you (: you've all helped so much!
  • I'm not really sure what to say, but I'd chuck call of dookie and be serious with him. He helped bring this baby in the world, so he should man up and spend time with you while he can. Sometimes when a person feels crappy about themselves, they pick on whoever is around so they feel better. I had a bf who called me fat and constantly pointed out my flaws. He was a fat alcoholic douche who wouldn't even have the job he's got now if I didn't fill out the job application for him! I ended up dumping him for my husband and I don't regret it at all now even tho I felt bad at the time. I don't know you personally, so I can't say you should do the same. Hide his Xbox controllers and talk to him when he comes home :)
  • Thanks for the advice (: soo glad you all helped!
  • Oh hun same here. My husband is in his deployment right now and he is not here with me. When i try to talk to him, he just always say to me, "i give up on prego womens, they just complain and cant do nothing about it" i get mad and quit talking to him for a few days. He then feels bad then try to talk to me about everything. I say just do the silent treatment if talking wont do. But you know, some guys take the silent treatment too seriously. But do whatever you feel is best hun.
  • Well, glad to know I'm not the only one with a butt head military husband.. thanks girl (:
  • Yeaaa about the only thing my hubby does is get me packs of water and puts the kids to bed after I cook dinner then promptly pass out cuz I'm tired. I work part time then pick kids up then go home cook or clean chase kids then leave go get hubby from work come home eat and pass out...and yea my hubby recently got a puppy too..I told him it was gonna be his responsibility and what does he do....Bitch me out when I don't take it out..tired of guys grrrr
  • They just don't understand.. grrrrr is def right.
  • No, they don't understand. I can tell that my husband is excited, and know that he loves our daughter... but he doesn't understand how painful pregnancy can be at times. I get the whole "you wanted this more than I did" everytime I ask for his help on something. I don't really have many friends, but, I just think about my baby. I spend a lot of my angry time planning for her, readying her room, and thinking about her arrival. Hang in there!
  • that's a good idea.. take the anger out on the baby room (: once I find out the sex.. I'll do that too! & I don't have but a few friends since I moved ten hours away from home.. after having friends my whole life.. its a bit different.
  • My husband is getting to be exactly like this..even more so since we've moved away from all my friends to be closer to his family since my family is awful. I cook, clean, do laundry, chase an energetic two year old, am potty training a puppy and going to school full-time online. That's not counting my freelance writing career. All while being in the first trimester of my pregnancy. He works 8 hrs and comes home to destroy the house with my two year old then fall asleep instead of doing the chores I ask him. Then whines why are you mad at me? Grrrr. I'm so damn tired I can barely stand myself but there is so many hours in the day and being mommy never ends. The day of reckoning is coming quick I assure you. He wont pitch in until I get a good crazy mad on then he pitches in while sneaking sulky faces at me when he thinks I'm not looking
    I swear I already have 2 children! Sorry...that kinda started out as a I feel ya girl response and ended in a hormone influenced rant.
  • Actually, venting is soo good!!! Vent all you want.. I'm to the point where I just walk away, cry, & apologize to the baby for being upset lol I'm not even kidding... I ask nicely allllll the time & he acts like I'm not speaking. I'm moving back home after the baby is born bc he is deploying or id get a job, just to have something to do for relaxing time.. like work at a tanning salon or somewhere fun.. like victoria secret.. bc I can't start school until aug anyways & then moving.. but he doesn't want me working until I go home but I need to do something..
  • husband is ex military and I was a basketcase when he deployed. I can't imagine doing it with children or pregnant but I'm sure I'd have sucked it up. Idk what to do anymore. Lol and I'm currently going to school for my bachelors of science in psychology. Its easier when it's someone else's problems..and the hormonal variable isn't helping. I'm glad to hear you will be going home :)
    One thing I will was much easier for my husband and I to talk things out when he was deployed because we were so mindful where he was and what he was doing
  • You made me feel better! School, family, & getting through it.. kudos to you love (: I'm gonna keep trying my best, I'm no quitter.. just need a little nudge & some support every now & then! So, thank you very much!!
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