can you tell the sex of your baby based on your hormones

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I've have two boys and one girl. With my boys I threw up all the time. With my girl I never threw up but I was reaallyyy drained. Well I'm pregnant again and haven't thrown up yet. So based from past pregnancies can I guess I'm having a girl....or is there really no correlation.


  • Everyone's different but some women believe you can based off of the different hormones involved. I keep believing I'm having a girl because of dreams at the very beginning of my pregnancy but also because I haven't had morning sickness but rather a little evening sickness and that's how I was with my daughter fifteen years ago.
  • this is my first but my mom had morning sickness with my sister and I and she had it everyday all day but with my brother she barely had any morning sickness
    I am 36 weeks pregnant having a boy and only had morning sickness a handful of times...
  • I am 13 weeks with #3, I have a 4 yr old daughter and a 2 yr old son. I was never really sick with either one, maybe more so with my son (terrible heartburn towards the end). This pregnancy so far has thrown all my hunches out the window. I have felt so awful compared to the other two that my only inclination is maybe twins and the extra hormones are kicking my butt.
  • @praying4our3rd, I have not had and ultrasound yet, as my Dr waits til 20 wks,( I go to a family practice Dr so I think that is one reason). I did have her look for a second heartbeat but she didn't find one at my last appt. I have friends that didn't find out they were having twins until their 20 week u/s so I guess its still a possibility.
  • Hmmmm. Well I'm really hoping for a girl. So I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
  • Wooww!!! Yes y'all are
  • We're opposites! From my son I didn't feel anything! It was the best!!! And now I am so miserable throwing up all the time and nauseas! Idk what im having yet, but we'll see! Hope you get the baby of your choice! But either way its a blessing =)
  • They sure are! !!!
  • I had indigestion problems before pregnancy but now its horrible!! Havn't been sick or anything. Just a crybaby. Im having a girl July 22.
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