newly pregnant, first baby! :)

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
Hey there! I'm almost 6 weeks and totally nervous about this whole thing...even after trying for 6 months! I literally am the happiest girl on earth & the most scared. First ultrasound is in 5 days...I wanna see that little baby! Any tips for the worries? Thanks y'all ;)


  • Congrats! I am newly pregnant too with my first :)
  • Yay! Isn't it exciting?! I get worried with the cramping..but I know its just the ligaments and muscles stretching right?! Ahhh! :)
  • Yay! Isn't it exciting?! I get worried with the cramping..but I know its just the ligaments and muscles stretching right?! Ahhh! :)
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  • Congrats!!! I'm also trying to have one. =)
  • I'm a new mommii also its very excitin..
  • Congrats! :) i am a new mommy too 14wk 4d dont worry too much about the cramping the same thing happened to me and i used to get so scared now i just know its just my body adjusting itself for bby. Good luck and best wishes :)
  • I am 22 yrs old and went to the Dr in January for fertility tests. Difficulty conceiving runs in my family. March 7th I took a preg test b/c I was was positive. I am now 7wks2dys and already heard the heartbeat. My husband and I couldn't be happier! I am nervous though. DD is 11-8-11. Best wishes to everyone!
  • Congrats! I am about a week behind you and also prego for the first time!
  • Grats! And good luck love!
  • Im a new mommy too. 5 w 5 days. I think Its normal to be nervous. I know I am!
  • Y'all made me feel sooo much better! I read up on some 5 and 6 week cramping and I feel better now. It definitely FEELS like stretching and my body getting ready...I'm pretty small so I guess I need to get used to it! Thanks again ladies, let's keep in touch! I really wanna figure out how to put my picture up too..I'm on my phone, do I need to get on the computer?!
  • Im 4 weeks 3 days! Good luck girl!
  • I'm 4weeks 3days happpy but scared I have been whipping light pink when I use the restroom its like on and off.
    ndd. Cramping not bad thoughhh

    Can someone tell me.if This is normal or not?
  • I'm 11 weeks ill be 12 weeks next thrusday its my first baby I'm excited but soo emotional latelyy ;(
  • Yep drink lots of water and eat well
  • Yep drink lots of water and eat well
  • @preggo123 a lil spotting is normal, I went thru a lil brown spotting and doctor said it perfectly normal! I am 7 weeks and 1 day now and it has kind calmed down, don't worry unless its enough to fill up a pad!
  • Myblessing0219: thank-you knowing This honestly calms me down thank-you:) and congrats on your pregnancy
  • Thanks no problem, anytime!
  • whos having there baby november 7, 2011 im 7weeks nd 3 days pregnant i maybe the youngest one on this due date club.
  • Hi I'm 7 weeks an 1 day with my first I'm excited but nervous :)
  • Congrats to all you new mommies to be, hope to join you soon! I pray for healthy for all your little baby beans :) and of course for an easy pregnancy for you all!
  • My first too! Due Oct 30. Good luck everyone!
  • I'm 6 weeks today! Starving, tired, a little sick feeling in the morning & sore boobs so far. Already have a small DEFINED bump..whoa! But I'm only 5"0 with a tiny torso..doc said this is normal haha! Ultrasound #1 Tuesday!!1
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