could my house be haunted?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Haunted might be too strong of a word. but i just moved into my new house on feb 1st an I've been noticing how my dogs, particularly my little one, is always staring at something in the kitchen and by the back door and she barks and growls back there.
then last night i was sleeping in my living room and she was under my blankets, and several times she woke up in the dead of night and darkness and was barking like crazy at something in the kitchen...?
What do u all think? i don't think there's anyone walking in my backyard its been snowing and there's no footprints i would know if a person walked thru the yard.


  • How long has the house been built?
  • I think I would move. U could get the history of ur house at a local library if it is old and find out if it really is.
  • Not to imply anything but possibly rodents? You said you just moved in And perhaps past residents left something behind? LOL I dunno... I psyc myself out all the time over things like that! Creepy!
  • There's a couple of things that raise my suspicions.
    First, i know the house was built in the 70's. Second, the owner of the house, who has never actually lived in it (only rented it out) had remodeled the whole house from floor walls and ceiling and i am the first person to live here since the remodeling. (I know that remodeling an 'occupied' house has been known to stir up activity.
    If they were rodents i know my dogs would be on top of them chasing and trying to catch them instead of just barking and growling from the other room. That's a good thought though.
    Where can i find history on my house?
  • Maybe city hall could guide you. There must have been a building permit at some point and maybe past owner has a list of residents? That's creepy tho. I'd move
  • Do you live by yourself? Maybe you can check the history at the local library?
  • @MelissaNsteve well yes and no i live on my own and an supposed to b by myself but i moved my Mom in and we work completley opposite 12 hr shifts so we hardly see eachother i am alone like 95% of time
  • Move I some research first or ask the landlord....I just don't like thee feeling of something creepy.....I would go with my six sense if I don't feel safe ill leave
  • Are you in Nj? Call TAPS, I'm serious. My husband and I used to live in Nj and had a lot of activity in our home. Our only regret was Not calling Taps.
  • @lisardelis i don't think i feel unsafe, not yet anyway
    If it was evil would i sense that? Maybe not idk but it is definitley creepy when the dogs freak out, or i think i saw something swift moving in the dark kitchen. If i feel unsafe i would have to try to bring in away to remove it as i can't afford to move again 2 months after getting this place and with only 11 weeks left till due date
  • Just be careful and ill be praying for you that God protects u andur baby
  • @sroman_3 i wish i could call them up! I love that show and would be so stoked if they came and investigated, but i live in nevada.
    However, there was an episode where they came to virginia city, NV. And that's only miles from my town carson city. If the imstantces progressed to that level i would definitley consider calling it probably costs though.
  • Honestly... if it isn't bothering you I'd just leave it alone maybe the dogs aren't used to the house... haunted or not it us your home...
  • I would give it a try, they may consider it if they have another site to visit as well. Good luck. I know it can be scary sometimes. Our dog used to go crazy at night, howling. And he had split personality. We had to put him down after he attacked me out of the blue. We're not sure if it had anything to do with the house.
  • Well I think it can be someone out there may trying force entry ?
  • @momof22be u mean a person in the back yard trying to get in?
  • well if the dogs dont like it i wouldnt like it lol
  • Ive always watch ghost adventures n ghosts shows n I think there might be a ghost at ur house. It probably doesnt want u there. Try getting the house blessed. Dogs n animals can see ghosts. I believe in spirits. Best of luck to u if u decide to stay. Did the owner rent u the house for cheap?
  • Not haunted It's filled with passing spirits. From another time. They dnt know you are there.
  • I don't think, actually i know its not a person for real, because my dogs go to the door when anybody is there they even bark at the front door when they hear the mailman at the box. What gets me is my little one just sits on the couch or on the carpet and growls at the kitchen without going over, and they r the nosiest dogs ever! Lol if a person. Was trying to open the back door they would be going ballistic to jump all over who comes in (like they do to all of my guests who walk through the door)
  • @mommyto1soontob2 yeah i don't really feel malicious or even active energy like if someone was watching me or anything. In fact if my dogs didn't act the way they do i would never even think of it at all. Its just weird how they seem to be interested in something that i dont see or hear, and it makes me wonder. I don't feel the need to do anything at all i just want to know that when i bring my baby home he will be safe. Can something like bringing home baby or remodeling the house anger these presences?
  • Maybe possums or some other type of animal living under the house?
  • I say its haunted...becareful it will start out very unnotice n in time u will know forsure ..dogs sense everything ..i leaved n a haunted house n i had to get it blessed my 5 was beening affected by it bad qas scary
  • Yea I mean a person when we lived in Vegas someone tryed breaking in and we didn't know until our dog started freaking out but animals do have a sixth sence
  • Nothin would change something unless it was already angered. I don't feel negative energy only lost. Just to be at ease. Open all the Windows walk in every room and ask everything that's negative or unwanted to leave. Anything stuck to move towards the light. That should help.
  • edited March 2011
    I think you need to invite a priest for a blessing.
  • @mommyto1soontob2 thanks i will do that if i feel worried. Like i said at this point i am not bothered as much as my pups lol i just don't want things to get worse if i bring a baby home
  • @Dada_of_2_plus_mom i was thinking of doing that before i brought my baby home anyway but not really because of ghosts just because of the religious values and we are christian so he will be baptised as well
  • I would not move. Every place on the planet has some kind of death or past. U can't run from it. Its always there but most people don't wanna are it. Ask it to leave. And it wont hurt u. Alot of the tome its a family member who was close to u that had died some time in the past. I wouldn't worry to much.
  • @mammaof3 yeah moving is not in my plans i just moved in here lol and baby is too close to arrival to pick up and move again.
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