Sept. Babies!!!



  • I'm 28 yo and this is my first baby. Were soo excited. Our due date according to the drs office secretary is Sept 30th! Our first dr appt is feb 10. Its so far away! I'm a medic out in Cali and I'm still in the field till my dr. says I can't be.
  • Oh yes I'm terrified to have a mc.... I won't even have sex with my partner boyfriend till the first doctors appointment lol
  • Hi! I'm due Sept 23 with baby #2. My daughter is 20 months. My husband and I are excited and nervous at the same time.
  • I am also nervous to miscarry. I have had 2 miscarriages, one before and one after my daughter. I just keep praying every time I go to the bathroom.
  • Hello world!!! :) due sep 12 with 1st. We live in sunny lake placid FL and are super excited about baby however not to excited about being very pregnant for FL'S VERY hot summers lol mommy is hoping for a boy but daddy wants a girl :p
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  • I am due September 12. This is my third pregnancy in about a year. I have had my ultrasound with a heartbeat but I had that last time too. Any tips to stay calm? We are from Denver. Hopefully 3rd times a charm.
  • I'm due sept. 29th with my first child. I have my first dr. Apointment on Thursday and I'm really excited and we are hoping for a healthy baby.
  • edited January 2011
    Hello ladys I'm prego with my 2nd baby my due date is sept.12 me and my fiance is so excited my first doc appt. Is Friday can't wait.
  • We went to the e.r. this past Monday for bleeding and tissue. Had my first doctors appointment on Wednesday and got to see the little ones heart beat!! The Dr said everything looks grest and some bleeding is normal in this stage, but since I'm only 7 weeks we are still in the "threatened miscarriage stage" we are praying and keeping our fingers crossed! :)
  • Hey everybody:) I'm due sep 12 with my first baby,I'm 20 years old & can't wait to meet my little man or girl<3 I read about sending a urine sample in to find out if its a boy or girl,does anyone kno if this works??
  • Im 7 weeks 5 days due Sept 14th...don't have my first appt till march tho :(
  • @XC_MOM why its your appointment so far away my due date is sept 18 and my first appointment is on feb 3rd
  • I'm due on the 7th, its my 1st child & I'm really nervous & excited at the same time time, got to wait til 22nd Feb for my scan which is soooo far away especially as I had my 1st positive preg test 5 weeks ago! Oh & I'm from the U.K
  • Hey im 19, and due Sep.12,, cant waiy! Sad im goin to be a single mother :) but with God all is possible!
  • I m 6 wks my baby due date is September 29, 2011.. ugh i was hoping before that date!!! Its my third now. I am praying for my baby is gonna be girl and be sunshine!
  • Hi, I am 28 DD 9/28/11 in Fort Worth, Texas. 1rst appt not till 2/16 :( I already have a 20 month old boy...hope this ones a girl! Me and hubby are super excited, even though it wasnt planned. I work full time and go to school part time, which means I'm gonna have to take another semester off in the fall. (I took a year off with my last baby).
  • I'm 23 years old from Austin, Texas, 1st time mommy. This app says I'm due Sept.30 and I have my 1st appt Feb.14th! :)
  • @lilpeapod913 ......I am 26 from virginia
  • First child 7 weeks 2 days according to this app. Excited. And scared. Live in the middle of the map. In the middle. Of the state of Kansas.
  • I'm 24yrs old, due Sept 15 with my first. I live in Baltimore, Maryland with my boyfriend and we are so excited!
  • I'm 30 years old. I am pregnant with my third baby!!! We have a 12 year old and a 8 year old girls. This was a very pleasant surprised for us! I am from Idaho. We are all so excited for the baby and can hardly wait to find out what we are having :D I am due September 10th!!!!
  • edited January 2011
    Im from Georgia,im 9weeks this is my third child I have a 12year,old girl and a 7year old boy.we are very due sept 12 but he will do a schudled c-section aweek before.
  • I'm from Washington. According to the app I'm going to be due on the 14th of Sept. Which is hilarious because that was my original due date with our first child. I am married and our son will be 5 in Aug.
  • im 7 weeks pregnant with my 5th and due sept 16. i have 4 girls ages 8,5,3,15 months. i am hoping for a boy but will be happy with another girl also. i live in east tn.
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  • 10 weeks due on Sept 6th (tho something popped in my head the day I found out I was preggers that ill deliver on Aug 27th lol) and live in northern Virginia. Grats all Sept mammas.
  • I'm 8weeks n 1day today i'm due September 12,2011 thank god
  • I am 6 weeks my third child and can wait to have my first scan me And my hubby are excited
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