Boobs stopped hurting!?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
That was my only pregnancy symptom! Should I ,be worried?


  • I wouldn't be worried. I had sore breasts for a few days and then it completely went away. Other than that, no pregnancy symptoms and I'm 14 weeks along.
  • Mine hurt off and on. They started hurting at 5 weeks and I'm 12 weeks now. I don't think its anything to worry over :)
  • It was mine plus sleeping for the first 7 weeks then I barely threw up until my second trimester...every body reacts differently to being preggo....enjoy it because there is more to come
  • Ok im 6wks6dys & I havent seen a doctor yet so everything little thing worries me because idk whats going in in there.
  • I'm almost 8 wks and my boobs stopped hurting like a wks ago. But I still have morning sickness.
  • To be quite honest, I really haven't felt preggo at all besides boobs hurting here and there and being tired.....its kinda weird.
  • @hnjen is your morning sickness actually getting sick or just feeling like you have too?
  • feeling like i have too. I get that throw up feeling in my throat but I never actually do it. @mimibrowneyez36 do you still get it.
  • @hnjen yes I just started about 2 days ago. Its the same. My stomach feels like I need to puke but I never do. Its mostly only when I havent eaten tho
  • @mimibrowneyez36 do this buy saltine cracker lots of them and put them at yr bedside. Eat a few before you go to bed while your laying in bed, If you wake up in the middle of the night to pee eat a few and then go to sleep. Now when you wake up before your feet hit the floor eat some more.
  • Yea thats what I did. So far it works a little.
  • Lol, its not over. The pain / tenderness will come back later. Could be later on in pregnancy and especially after the birth when they fill up and be very sensitive,sometimes painful. Try a warm towel, good luck.
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