Not naming my son after his father! i need help

Hello all! My husband and I find out what we are having Thursday. We have a name picked out if its a girl (we decided on one just weeks after dating). He has always referred to our baby as Marvin Jr. I thought he was just calling it this because we hadn't picked out a name for a boy yet and he wants a boy so bad. I thought wrong he is actually fighting with me over it insisting we name it Marvin Jr if its a boy. I hate this, not to mention his dads name is marvin too (he is not Jr though). I hate his name and he has always said he hated it too until now! He even brought this up on front of his mother so they could tag team me I guess? She seems to think its a great idea.(she thinks everything I dislike is a great idea) and I don't know what to do and I have a feeling its a boy. I just know if it is he will be telling everyone that is his name and I don't want people to think that. Any advice on how to convince him this is a bad idea, or just a nice way to tell him to f off! Or maybe even some good boy names that are common and not to unique?


  • I like matthias personally
  • Ur probably gonna hate me for this but........ Y don't u wanna name his first born son after him? That's a big deal to 95% of men. My husband says its someone to carry on the legacy.

    If u don't like Marvin then find a name that's similar to make him a lil happy
  • My bf said absolutely no jr its only important to him that our kids have his last name
  • You could name him Marvin, but call him by his middle name. Or call him MJ, for Marvin Jr. There's plenty of worse names. But I feel your pain...I would hate to be forced to name my kid something...especially if it would make my mil happy, lol!
  • I had the same problem!! I despise the name jose.....we compromised on the middle name instead
  • We had and easier time picking a boy name then girl we had matthias chad adkins chad is my bfs name having a lil girl tho and decided on kailee isabelle adkins
  • My husband only wanted to use his middle name which is john as he was named after his grandad. I wanted Michael after my dads middle name. It just so happens that Michael-John works well together and thats what we picked out. How about suggesting a double barrel first name that way both of u get a say. Also it may work out can nickname him by his initials as our son is known as MJ. Good luck x
  • I have a son from a previous relationship. My son knows my husband as his father he has always said my son was his little boy until now. Out of no where we have to keep trying until we have a boy "he has to carry on his blood line" he still calls my son his but it seems like the more he hopes for a boy now the less important my son becomes. I hate the name Marvin period however I said I would use it as a middle name and that's not good enough. He has actually went as far as saying he will change it at the hospital with my consent if I name it anything else. I know it may be important for him to have a Jr but its also important for my child to have its own name. At family functions its already confusing because of him and his dad already have that name.
  • @marriedwith_3 I have to deal with all the mix up between his name and his fathers. He doesn't deal with any of it. My worst so far was car insurance his dad had a driving record and they were charging us based on his fathers driving record and there was nothing they could do about it because that what his name pulled. Impossible to get a cell phone because everyone confuses him and his father. I just don't want my kid to go through this.
  • edited March 2011
    @mummylady83 I wish my husband would agree to that I would love love love to use his middle name but thats not important to him the first name is blah blah blah. He is the type that has to have his way and I swear he is doing this just because he knows how strongly I feel against Jr's. And him and his mother like to side together and see how pist they can make you or if the can get their way!
  • I am not happy that my husband wants to name a boy after himself but we are going to call the baby TJ for Terry Jr.
  • I know EXACTLY how you feel im going through the same thing.
  • My son isn't a junior...he has his dads first name as his middle name tho...we still call him junior most of the time
  • edited March 2011
    I went through the same thing with my son so I agreed to his name being the middle name and any other name he wanted. I really did not want a Jr LOL. Now we're having another boy I hope I don't have to fight again. I really like Cooper.
  • RMe and my bd did ths too so I convienced him tht ths is my baby too & we hve to, meet on mutual grounds so instead of making him Victor the 3rd I made up a name with Vic as the 1st part of the tht wau he kn still hve his lil
  • Well I was engaged to my first sons father an I didn't make him a Jr bc I didn't liike his name. So when we split up an he had another child that B**** Made her son a JR an boy was I mad!!! Lol so that's y I will name my child a jr. This time if its a boy, plus its his first .
  • We cannot even somewhat compromise because he is so stuck in his way we just got into a huge fight over it again.... I said how about Marvin as a middle name? Absolutely not. His way or no way and its really pissing me off. He acts like I have no say in my own child's name. I am open to a million other names and there is not one besides his that he will give a chance. I have a million legit reasons to not name our kid Marvin and he has one reason as to why we should "that's my boy" what about the boy who already calls you daddy? @cat28 what do you plan on doing? Neither of us are caving and its really starting to hurt/ piss me off.@mom60511 how did you get him to compromise on using his name as the middle name?
  • My sons a Jr. We just call him Joshua and I call his dad josh. As far as the name mix up. Insurance etc should be pulled by dl # ss#. My husband is military so everything is done by the last 4 of his social. So we have 2 Joshua's both born in September and going off the same social. Joshua Andrew Etheridge Jr. Not the ideal name to teach how to spell either
  • @cetheridge I don't know how it got mixed but it was a mess I think it initially got mixed up at the dmv. His dads name is Marvin his name is Marvin so at family functions it big Marvin and little Marvin. He does not want our son to be a Jr that's not important to him, he wants his first name to be Marvin so there will be three Marvins. Gag lol I think his name is horrible. He says I can pick out the middle name which but if I don't like the first name ill never be able to name my son that!
  • If I were to post I am naming my son Marvin and none of you ladies knew it was after his father would you still think the name was ok or would you secretly or openly think what is this girl thinking? LOL
  • Marvin to me isn't that bad and like everyone was saying u could always call him by his middle name. He might actually like it because its his daddy and grandpas name
  • Same thing happened Tu me thn we found out were having a girl ..... so dnt stress cuz it could just b yaw princess in there ★
  • I have a friend w 3 generations of Randys... Her brother always gets called Randy the turd instead of third. Not that this helps, but parents have to think of these things so their babies don't get harassed. Sadly, I want to name my little bean after Daddy and he won't have anything to do with it because of all the legal, mailing and other confusion it can cause. Apparently it was bad enough for him just having the same first initial as his Dad. :( Gooduck!
  • Im praying its a girl! Lol I hate fighting with him everytime I bring it up he gets so mad and goes on about how he HAS to be named hugo III. My mom already said if that ends up happening they are going to call him trey since he is a third :/ in my opinion hes his own person and needs his own name!
  • Ugh I'm in the same boat he wants our baby to be a 4th if its a boy. We argue everytime I say i dont want to. I'm really hoping for a girl ;)
  • Im in the same boat with you. Having a boy and he want to name it Darryn, after him. I dont like that name for my child and people dont even do that any more. I got to july-aug. To get him to change his mind. Now he is saying it have to have his name as long as his name have a good meaning
  • @cat28 & @clope18 I hope we all have girls! I can't stand fighting with him but I can't stand the thought of naming my son Marvin, and that wins I will fight this forever! And if he never agrees ill just name it what I want at the hospital! Hate to do that but id be willing to do anything to save my son from this! If I have a girl it will just postpone the fight for me. I've already been told we keep going until he gets his boy.
  • I told him any other name. He could pick it. Thats compromising and if your going to have kids Together than that's what you have to do.
  • I am probably going to have to fight about this ones name too. I'm getting ready LOL
  • Hes already getting his last name right!? That should be enough!
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