Like mshahir said its just that ppl have different lifestyles. Some are curious and want to know why if there hasnt been any proof that smoking weed while pregnant is dangerous why shouldnt you. Some ppl need to see it to believe it and some are just plaon curious. Our jobs as individuals is to live our lives and judge not others of their way of living. #imjustsaying.
@isaiahnjocelynsmommy. I will retract the no withdrawl statement and will replace it with. There are no physical withdrawl symptoms from smoking pot. There my be physcological effects but no more so than some peoples addiction to fast food. I am not telling her to go smoke dope. Everyone doesn't need to jump down her theoat for asking a question. People come from lots of backgrounds and may not know that, yes there are harful chemicals in marijuana smoke.
There are withdrawl symptoms. My brother is a perfect explain. Just like any drug weed is an addiction. And with any addiction come withdrawl symptoms.
Give ur baby a fair chance at life its bad enough that birth defects happen for reasons unknown why would u do something to risk a healthy and smart baby its no way to start out a new life
No there absolutely are no physical withdrawl symptoms from pot. I'm positive. Some people may tell you there are dut there are no addictive chemicals in weed. Unless they are added later for extra fun. All I'm trying to say is that she was just asking and yes there are harmful things about it. Lowbirth weight high risk of mc, etc. But is her baby going to come out addicited to pot. No absolutely not.
I don't smoke but I know plenty of people whom have smoke all throughout their pregnancies. they're babies are wonderful no problems what so ever. its your life, your choice.
Birth defects are caused by foods too so what can a person expect from smoking cigs or pot. Probably worse. I'm just asking: seriously? Pots bad ...u may say its a natural drug, but technically there are a lot of the natural enhanced stupid drugs. And pot is def one of them. Spend money on what the baby needs...not selfish drugs you think you need to "calm down". Look up the word "selfish" might learn something.
@HaliGirl420 hello and welcome!I totally understand that u have a serious question but on this forum this topic has started so many arrgunents its definitely not the best place to find out information.if I were u I would google it (research it online) and ask your doctor about it.anyway GOOD LUCK %%-
@haligirl420 with a username like that duh you were gonna post this..... Drugs are bad . You are prego n its your job to protect you child. if dcf finds drugs in your child when its born they can take.your child away and if there r drugs in your child when there born (weed or other) they should take.your child! Not trying to be a bitch but im over seeing this post and ppl defend the use of drugs during pregnancy!