whats your veiw on marijuana use...



  • Ask your doctor. Lol. I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't be okay with it. If you seriously can't quit for your unborn baby, that would prove to be selfishness or addiction.
  • There are no weed addicts. Weed its purely psychological. N I know as a former smoker and someone who discussed thus not only with my dr but pyschology prof. Having said that, everyone its different. Some ppl are lucky too have healthy babies, and some are unfortunate. I would say just to think about the baby first and that goes for everyone
  • And stop being so judgmental. Sheesh
  • Yes, and there are psychological addictions. You may want to consult again.
  • Isn't this an advice forum.. peopl freak out because she asked a question about pot and start arguements themselves. Don't read the post or comment on it if you have such a problem with the topic. The girl just asked for views and people turned it into something way diffrent.
  • My mom smoked with my brother And he has asthma and weak bones that break, I would wait the 9 months and smoke after u have the baby.
  • My mom smoked with all three of us :) my sister graduated top ten in the nation with honors, my brother hooked up jets on top of the nimitz and went on to be a private contractor in Iraq, taking over and living in saddams palace, and me.... competitive gymnastics for 13 years and graduated with honors. And I smoke everyday. Judge me if you're so immature to, but its gods plant. Period. It's natural and 150% less toxic than tobacco and alcohol. I will continue to smoke throughout my pregnancy and when my baby is born so happy and healthy ill be sure to come back and let you all know.:)!!!!! Soooo.... roll one up! And happy and healthy nine months to you. Don't take anything negative these woman say personal. They're jealous and crazy half the time anyways:)
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  • please don't assume you know me or anything about me okay? people are so freaking judgemental, I gave my opinion as you gave yours no attacking needed. I don't do drugs and don't plan on doing them but it is her life an her child she can do as. she pleases.
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  • just quit talking. I don't need your advice. kay, thanks!! :)
  • I am in no way picking a side...i have actually seen this topic posted many times, and this is my first time commenting. I just wanted to point out that someone always says they know someone who knows someone who smoked pot during their prgnancy, and their children are fine....well I know people who have smoked cigarettes their whole life and dont have cancer. that doesn't mean its right and it doesn't mean they won't get it. There may be people out there that smoked pot and their children are not okay.
  • This topic has already been posted ain't doing Nothing but start a bunch of bull cuz grown ppl gone do wat they want to do no matter who like it feel like its a waste of time
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  • Until you have walked in someones shoes personally and can be resourceful, here's some advice. STFU
  • thank you @briffyg89 that's all I was trying to say and I get jumped on. people need to grow up.
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