advice/comments needed!
From.APril-november i tried the depo bc and also the Implanon and qit using them both for different reasons. Nov-jan i was bc free and decided to try the pills. I liked them but stopped using them because my fiance and i began TTC. So march was my first month ttc and unfortunately AF came. it was 9 days early which was weird because my periods have always been 28 29 days long it was also lighter and not painful like usual so i took an hpt and got a bfn. i brushed it off assuming it was just effects from the bc. After AF was over we started TTC again. My mydays app says i ovulated on the 24th so today would only b 3 dpo but i found 2 drops of blood in my underwear and a very very faint pink when i wiped earlier and ive also had very light cramping. the cramps didnt hurt but i cud feel them. also for the past month ive been getting very lightheaded and blacking out and having random days of extreme tiredness. Idk whats going on. Any idea of what could b goin on?? please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions! Thanks!:)