5 more days until 8weeks & I hoping....

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
To hear my little peanuts heartbeat on the bellybeats for the first time! Yay!


  • Exciting. Hope you get to. I have my next appointment April 6th ill be 12 weeks and it'll be my first time hearing my babies heart beat I can't wait.
  • You should rent a fetal doppler. Thats wat im doing. I dont see a doc either til 9.5 weeks & thats just my first appt so idk if they gona listen to it. So ima rent a doppler. @mommy2b1023
  • Yea my father actually has one he is going to give me from when his wife was preg I can't wait to get it from him
  • Mimi itd be cheaper to buy one. Mine was 65 on ebay :)
  • @karla_with_a_k I might buy one later but ima gonna rent one first because I want to see how it works first. Plus I hate dealing with ebay.lol
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