Shooting pain to vag area?

edited January 2011 in Health
I'm a little over 10wks and yesterday I started having sharp pains go downward toward my vag. Its not unbearable, just uncomfortable. I don't exactly know how to explain the feeling. Maybe sort of like a small charlie horse, and it doesn't last long at all. Nor does it come too often.


  • I get the same thing and I'm 8 weeks. I understand what you're talking about. Im sorry its happening to you :(
  • That was one of the first signs I was pregnant actually.. I started getting it right at 4 weeks. I think a lot of it has to do with the higher blood volume going to the vagina and itt is painful. Feels like someone kicked you in the vag! Terrible feeling! But apparently normal!
  • I hate that feeling! I felt it last night and freaked out.
  • I hate it, too. This is my 3rd pregnancy and those pains started at 6 weeks this time.
  • Ok, it doesn't worry me if its normal.
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