My amazing boyfriend..

He let me go to the spa from 9am-5pm and is now taking me to dinner and a movie. Anyone else have boyfriends/husbands/baby daddys like this?


  • Yes! My Boyfriend Actually Sits There Rhitee By My Side! One Time He Fell Asleep. ;'D
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  • We don't have the money for that either but he loves to pamper me, paint my nails...brush my hair ect. He is just a sweetheart. I love him to death <3
  • Im really glad for this post, after seeing all these horrible "baby day sucks" posts. I feel bad for those girls but its good to know there are a few good guys out there. My fiance has been really good about the pregnancy, it was unplanned and we were both shocked but he stepped up to the plate. He gave me some extra cash to go get a massage and take my mom to lunch. Hes always understanding when I dont want to cook and if I need something he geta it for me. Hes going to be a great dad.
  • Glad I'm not the only one!
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  • Last night after work, I told him I was stressed and hurting bad. Got home to a bubble bath and flowers. I was wrong to bitch at some times he can be very considerate. But I have my sensitive days too.
  • @ckazfirst we all bitch at our boyfriends at times
  • @Jasmine they just don't understand. Lol I guess that's why it sucks
  • @ckazfirst my boyfriend trys... he just doesn't succeed lol.
  • That's right damnit we don't understand.....we never will. But we can not give up trying....
  • I'm so grateful to have a boyfriend thst supports
  • @bigpoppa we understand that you can only try
  • @Jasmine are you talking about me again? I love you

    @Twin_Angels lol you rock too
  • @Twin_Angels lol. How have you been?
  • @Brian yes I am :) I love you too
  • My husband is always coming behind me when doing chores and makes me go sit down with my feet up [-X I go to the spa too :)
  • I've never been to a spa but my Bf always Pampers me.... I never have Tu lift a finger when hese around....the only flaw is that hese so over protective lol but I love when he massages my headdd
  • My boyfriend is in love with his child, always makes sure im not hungry or cold since his baby made me anemic lol i havent asked for a day to the spa yet but I do get shopping sprees!
  • Mine was sweet like that, gave me back rubs everynight and didn't last long we got in a fight and he told me he wished id misscarry again..I kicked him out and told him consider the baby lost. Sorry to be a downerI'm just venting it was just 2 nights ago
  • @Tagensmommy I'm sorry you have to go through that. But there is someone out there that will except you and your bundle of joy :)
  • Lol, my name is Brian also. ...overtime I see my name here I do a double take
  • @bigpoppa lol nice to know that your name is also Brian :)
  • Well, my boyfriend and I are on a budget. It's the little things that make him amazing. He cooks for me, rubs my back when I'm in pain he helps me get dress and he rubs my belly. LOL
  • My bf gives me shopping sprees too but to be honest with u I prefer him doing my nails messing up and all the back rubs to the spa any day lol I just feel like he cares When he does it. And when i go shopping he always goes it means so much more since he hates shopping. Lol the other day I started crying and getting hurt cuz I was reading on here how when I get bigger I wouldn't be able to shave at all so he promised he would do it for me. I grew up really conservative and never even had a male Dr so I don't want anyone else down there lol ah I love him! Always trying to make me happy even if he has to get up in the middle of night for coolaid and go back if he forgot ice lol
  • My husband is also great. He does his part w hse wrk, cooking & running errands along w feet & back rubs& gets our 3yr old& 9 mnth Grlz ready n the morning. He doesnt knw hw to fix hair but he tries. Lol.
  • My bf comes home from a twelve hour day of manual labour, but will still have stopped at the store to buy me cherry pie, and even though he's dead tired, and sore at night, he still wants to give me messages. He's a great great guy. Yes, we sometimes argue, we often don't see eye to eye, but he lives me and his daughter to be mire than anything. I know I'm very very lucky. :x
  • I'm glad for this post. I posted something like this a while back and all the responses I got at first were sad, when I was just trying to be happy. So yay for awesome bds!!! My hubby works his butt off and treats me like a princess. I'm in college full time and I work, so he's always fixing me dinner or rubbing my back. Men aren't all bad, and we can prove it!
  • edited April 2011
    Yes my hubby is one in a million... my best friend other than family and my pregly friends he's all i have. Its a long story but i love my fiance so much he's my rock
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