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- Tagensmommy
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Have a Facebook?? Add me!! Lillie.martinez711@yahoo.com I wish you wouldn't leave... she is nobody and you were right and justified in what you said.April 2011
Haters are motivators! Don't let anyone get you down just remember your superwomen to your child and soon to be another one! Haters are what make me love my life because they have to spend their day with you on their mind its wonderful, let em hate! Another day another hater!(:April 2011
wow this chick is a bitch! i honestly think you should not leave...she seems like
such a stuck up bitch....dont please that girl that looks like a slut anyways with that
stripper lips....ur great girl and a strong mommy at 15. so stay positive:)April 2011 -
Don't leave just because of that girl. Some people on here can be so mean and judgmental. Just ignore her.April 2011
Don't leave cuz of her. I've noticed thatshe gets nasty in every post she comments on. No one cares about how much money ppl have...this site is supposed to be for advice and support.don'tlet her get under your skin.April 2011
What The hell! Dont let ppl upset you. If you have facebook add me, stephanie branson redaApril 2011
Plz dont leave some women r such bitchz. She is just 1 of them. Plz stayApril 2011
Thank you sweetie, I have high risk pregnancies so they are keeping a close eye on me & unfortunately I have to have another c-section I won't be able to experience a birth that I wanted, but as long as he is healthy, my daughter was born 4 weeks 1 day early, & in the NICU for 3 1/2 weeks they didn't think she would make it, I'm starting to get nervous because I'm about at the same amount of weeks as when she was born, just shy a few days. I have almost a 5 yr old, almost a 3 yr old & this one you know is due in about a month. Aren't 4 yr olds a handful?! Good luck with your pregnancy!April 2011
Not sure how I ended up in this but people like that I can't keep my mouth shut had to put my 2cents in. She thinks she is better than everyone but its the internet and I could say to what I all own and its probably not even her's keep your head up and don't let her get under your skin.April 2011
TagensmommyShe is such a dumb bitch I don't get why she can't just stop she must have no life at all! Can you message me? My phone won't let me
I read your thread with that girl, I'm 21 this is my third he is due in 4 weeks all with the same man, we are married people can be annoying, just don't pay any attention, I don't I could care less what people think or say about me especially on internet sites, they don't know you from Adam, I think you stood up for yourself well. Congrats on the little bundle of joy!April 2011
TagensmommyShe's not married even lol I just got pissed cuz I saw her posts about teen moms she's only 23 still in school and don't even live with her bd just a very touchy subject and it pissed me off how she went off on those girls who come here to get support my kids have different dads I would never be with my find dad again I want lucky to find a good guy the first time but this one acts like my son is his own..I'm due in november I'm only 8 weeks..congrats and good luck with your labor!
1stTimePreggoBetter not to be married than have two kids with different dads. Now THATS gross. A piece of paper called a marriage certificate proves nothing.
veteranswifeIt's not gross but what you know. Pull the foot out of your ass and wake up but I guess it might slap you right in your face when you bf doesn't want to go anymore with you because the way you are now how will it be 3 month from now. Wait I can see in the future " don't touch me I don't want sex, I am fat blah blah blah." I feel so sorry for people around you. To have an opinion is ok but you are judgmental
1stTimePreggoThank you for the concern but my sex life is terrific and it will continue to be that way!
Just wanted to say I agree with what you said to that big mouth... lol. I was a mommy at 18 to a medically fragile preemie, having my second at 24, my husband and I support our babies. She is prob in a crappy place in her life and us taking it out on those who are happy.
Ps, she has a thread on here saying she wants Medicaid??? Hypocrite much??April 2011-
mayprinceonthewayI saw that also.... she's so "well off" & have this & that but she needs/want public medical assistance. A person like that don't have shit & lie & belittle others to make their self worth a sack of sh!t
TagensmommyAnd excuse my language but thee piece of shit comes on a pregnancy site or app to insult young mothers? Jealously is such am ugly thing
1stTimePreggoIf you read the whole thing it says I make over $2000 a month and YEAH you are right if my taxes are going to low life teens who decide its ok to pop out kids without being able to provide for them then I'm going to get MY money back. Why the FUCK not?
veteranswifeYou should watch your mouth @1sttimepreggo talking about kids having kids you seem more immature than some young mothers I met before. Compare to you Mr and others like @tagensmommy know our shot isn't out of gold or smells like roses and we know that a child needs more than just money. Knowing my husband was deployed and missed quality time with his son to fight for the freedom of people like you just makes me sick. Not everyone chooses their family. You probably gonna hire someone to change your babies diapers because you think you are to good for it and you make $2000 a month. Age doesn't make you mature you still have a lot to learn hunny.
1stTimePreggoAre you jealous? Sorry but don't give me your pity story because in all HONESTY I dont give a shit.
veteranswifeJealous of what? Lol you made my day. But people will try to make other people miserable because they are.
1stTimePreggoThat if I wanted to I could afford someone to change my babies diapers. You are so fixated on my income and financial situation it must bring you some jealousy. I'm not miserable honey....VERY VERY happy and no stress in my life. I DO love getting peoples panties in a bunch though. YOU made MY day and you will continue to by responding so bring it on honey.
veteranswifeYou are to focused on your finances or you wouldn't put out there how much you make. Sex is only great when you have money. Lmfao. How dumb are you?? Wait are you trying to tell us what you do for living? None of us cares about what you do, own or listen to your dumb opinion. Just do us all a favor leave and come back when you did some growing up and have respect for people it doesn't matter how old and teen mom or not. Girls and women come here to talk about ttc and pregnancy. Enjoy the rest of your life.
1stTimePreggoYou are the one bringing up MY financial situation and MY sex life so if ur not interested in listening to it shut your dumb trap. And NO I will not leave and YES I will continue to express my opinion freely.
veteranswifeKeep in mind that there is a difference between expressing your opinion or being rude and disrespectful!!!!
TagensmommyBitch that's all you make?! Are you serious you poor poor thing no wonder your such a bitch if you think that means you have money that's pathetic I make double that and I'm 20 lol
1stTimePreggoThats why you're worried how you are going to provide for 2 kids?! Lol. Whos the liar now?
myowndisaster23$2000 a month isn't much anywhere these days... even if you have a double income. And I'm from California, the cost of living is ridiculous here... lol.
Hey lady... the sperm donor named the baby jellybean so it kind of stuck LOL but I'm sorry to hear about the men in your life at this point mine has one option be there now or kick rocks because I'm.not playing games for the next 18 years my exact words to him.were " I'd rather my child never know his father then to have known a piece of shit" maybe everything I said to him.today will open up his eyes And he will come back if Not I will.get a DNA test ran And take as much money as I can from.him.for the rest of his life ( oh and he is in the military so its a lot)April 2011
TagensmommyHahaha my bd calls the baby soy bean (I'm a vegetarian) and yeah that's what I told my sons dad who I was getting child support from when he was in the military but his drug ass got kicked out of course
Thanks for sticking up for me,and not being afraid to voice your opinionApril 2011