no morning sickness???

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
I'm in my eighth week and I've had no morning sickness or side effects what so ever...I'm worried because I've had three miscarriages, but I bled in every single on of those. I haven't seen any spotting this time or anything, but reading what everyone else is going through makes me nervous???!


  • I'm 14 weeks & no morning sickness, I think it's a blessing..!
  • With my first I had no symptoms whatsoever! No one belived I was prego but they believed once they saw my belly growing.. don't worry about it some just don't get it everyones diff and don't worry about micarriage unless you see blood
  • Christa, don't be nervous! You're one of the lucky few who don't get to experience this not so fun symptom. Haha I'm 11 weeks and only experienced this once and that was a few days ago when I burnt some pancakes and the smell was so bad to me it triggered nausea.
    Just take care and don't smoke and drink of course and also watch your caffeine because that could up your chance of miscarriage.
  • K so I have a question I had it kinda bad up until like 3 or 4 days ago and now i haven't been sick since but I still get nausea should I be worried?
  • Katie-how far along are you?
  • No sickness for me either. I just get bouts of nausea randomly. With my first I was suck at night in my third trimester. Threw up dinner almost every night in my 8th month
  • I haven't had any sickness and I'm 11 weeks and today and yesterday I just have been feeling kinda like I have the flu has this happened to anyone before?
  • I didn't have any morning sickness :) just didn't want caffeine a much
  • I'm 9 weeks
  • That was to TX moorekat
  • I haven't had any morning sickness either. But I have had occasional bouts of nausea and a feeling of being stuffed, bloated and fat. Initially, I was worried about miscarriage too, because I suffered a missed miscarriage too, but last Thursday, I heard my baby's heatbeat. Whew! I'm still early, 7 weeks today and happy. Drink lots of water, don't stress and do your best not to worry... Wishing us all a happy pregnancy...
  • Thanks everyone! I have my drs appt to hear heart beat tomorrow! I can't wait...nervous, but at least ill know everything is ok
  • My morning sickness started around 11weeks and ended around 16weeks..I would get really hot at the register at work and then have to run to the bathroom when we had a super long line! Lol it was embarassing!
  • I have to say just be thankful. I'm 7 weeks today and I have to run to the bathroom every 30 min. So be thankful (:
  • 5 weeks sickness thus far... I was sick the whole 1st trimester with my first two. I hope this is an easy pregnancy.
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