ok Only for the one who have asked already...



  • @mommyof1soontob2 i asked on your last post uf i was defunitly having a girl was told i was but tech was only 80% sure im also having problems picking girl names out do u see what i name her? Also do u see my husband and i stayong together? Thanku so much have a great day hope u a.d baby are doing great
  • I posted on ur last one.. I asked if the guy that I was dating the father or if it is my one night stand? The guy that I was seeing is in the military if that info helps.. also just wanna know if my baby is okay and if ill have a good delivery? Thank you so much.
  • edited March 2011
    @mommyto1soontob2 I asked if the baby was ok and.still growing im almost 12 weeks n havnt been to the doctor since 7 n if the baby tells u the gender that would b amazing im dying to know bc everyone thinks girl but me lol but just knowing the baby is ok is the best thing u could do.for.me!! Thanks so much!! Also.doc thought mayb twins do u see two or just one?
  • edited March 2011
    Wow lots of people wanna know lots of stuff... I only wish I knew what if anything or if my granfather or grandmother r around me an if they have something to tell me and what the heck did my grandpa want to tell me in my dream... what a great gift to give back to others in such a profound and meaningful way... awesome and to do it for nothing is something that really shows your goodness...:-) ooooo sorry I didn't read your post all the way... ill wait my turn... maybe then I could get some advice about my hubby and my aditude twards him and this new job thing I'm nervous about... ...thanks
  • edited March 2011
    @mommyto1soontobe2 I wanna know if my baby will be healthy. If it will be a boy it girl if possible. And If I'm actually going to deliver on my due date or early. Also what's going to happen once baby is here (financially)? Or anything else you get off me :) I just think this stuff us so neat... Anything you need to know before you do my reading?
  • @mommyof1soontobe2 was jus wondering what the smell was u could smell? And i used ur advice but i got NO sleep so dont think i sas gonna remember lol
  • Hi I posted on ur last one n ur page I think, I just wanna make sure every thing is good with my baby cuz I went in for a ultra sound n they r ssying I might not be as far along as they thought. So im just wanting to make sure everything is good with my peanut :) n also asked if bd will come around n stop being a butt?
  • Hi. Im 8w 5d iv previous had a mc just wondering if u could tell me if this 1 will b ok and if its a boy or girl thank you so much x
  • I havnt posted one yet but would like to know if I am pregnant this time. An if I am will it be a boy?
  • Hi. Im 8w 5d iv previous had a mc just wondering if u could tell me if this 1 will b ok and if its a boy or girl thank you so much x
  • will baby have curly hair or waves...
  • Hello im 15 weeks 5 days and my husband is a truck driver I wanted to know when my baby will come so we can make sure he's home when the baby is born and I would also like to know what I'm having ...please and thank you very much.
  • I'm currently ttc and wanted to know if i am pregnant now or will be in the near future?? Thank You!!
  • This was my exact post from last time @mommyto1soonb2 dont know if youll be able to tell, but am i having a boy or a girl? we both want a girl bad her name would either be ariah or amiah (my mother changed it because she doesnt like ariah) but everytime we talked about kids even before we got pregnant we always referred to her as ariah..what name does our baby like? And will my husband get a better paying job anytime soon we want to move into something bigger and money is really starting to stress me out, i realllyyy want my family to be okay finacially...and is my husbands mother really excited about the baby or is she just being fake? I think shes really twofaced at times..smh
  • And @mommyof1soontob2 will my baby be okay? Does he/she have a purpose...
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • On my post, I asked if you could tell me if I am having a boy or girl & if you thought I should try to make things work w/ my baby's father or just leave him alone? I also wanted to know if my baby will be healthy & if you know if I will have to have a c section or be able to go through w/ a vag delivery?? Thanks for your time:)
  • Hey Mama, we r ttc. Was wondering if u could see if we r gonna get pregnant again and if so when? Thank u dear :)
  • Is my baby going to look like me? Am I gona have natural birth or csection?
  • Will have my son early will he look Like me or his daddy
  • Lol this one is stacking up already! I told you, that yu and ur lil ninja have impressive skills! So 2 things I dont kno what im having, but I have strong feeling its a boy and that its going to be JUST LIKE DADDY..am i right about either? Thanks!
  • edited March 2011
    @mommyto1soonntob2. What an awesome gift you have. I have always loved this kind of stuff!

    This little man was a surprise to us, wasn't planning on having anymore (my oldest is 18 youngest 9) I have alot of questions so I'll try to keep it to a minimum I know you have alot of questions coming at you.

    First as I mentioned this baby wasn't planned I can't read how hubby is feeling about it can you?

    Will things get back on track financially? And when?

    Probably my biggest concern are my boys 16 and 18. They are struggling. Will they get back on track and what do I need to do to help them? Does their father watch over them and what would he tell them if he could?

    Thanks in advance

    PS this is a repost from Sunday. I really appreciate you taking time for this
  • I Would love to know if I'm having a boy or girl...I've had a dream about both, I know I'm only having one and I'm 15 weeks tomorrow :)
  • Hey I asked on the previous post: me and my fiancee are trying to conceive just wanted to know do you see a baby in our future or even my future alone..... idk if I can have any, he has a few kids.... just curious and worrying
  • I originally posted 3/26, but I've re-worded my question(s).

    First, and foremost, I am having a lot of issues with this pregnancy and I worry every day that she's not gonna make it. Is she okay, and will she be born with any complications or health/developmental issues? Next, is she going to be a big baby? I have GD and worry about delivering a monster baby lol. My son was 6 lbs 5 oz so I'm hoping she's no larger than 7 and a half pounds. Also, my gut feeling tells me she's going to come early, probably about 36 or 37 weeks...do you see any truth to that? Lastly, what's going to happen with her father? Will he ever grow up and stop being such a piece of crap?!

    Some randomness...Do you have any insight regarding my miscarriage like why baby didn't thrive, or if it was something I did? And, do I specifically have anybody that watches over my children and I, such as a relative that has passed on?

  • I feel bad posting this again, but I did post before. Just wondering if you are getting anything from my deceased father or brother? Wondering if they are happy with all that is going on, or if they have opinions or insight into anything. Thank you so much in advance for sharing your talent and time!
  • I would loooove to know the gender of my baby. Or anythng else you can see PLEASSSE?
  • edited March 2011
    my pregnancy will be okay?
  • I asked if my family.would accept my baby? Is s/he going to be ok?

  • @mommyto1soon2be hello I asked you on you previous post if I was having a boy or a girl and if my baby was going to be healthy :b oh and if I should keep trying with the bd or just give up on him? :)
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