N er pain in my stomach to much to bare
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- mommyof2angels
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mommyof2angelsJust got my bfp Saturday gonna make a doctor appointment to confirm it n the morningFebruary 2013
Love your new pic! It looks a lot like mine! I'm due Jan 9th we aren't too far apart! How have you been feeling?July 2011
mommyof2angelsAwww ty I am ok had a scare last week was spotting but I have faith that baby ok :) doc appt n the am how r u
mommyof2angelsNope no af maybe tomorrow I will test someone told me its cause all the caffeine I drink effects it idk
Hey ttc buddie did af show today? As of right now there us so sign of her tested on the 1st bfn but re-testing tomorrow morning. Gl keep me posted on what's going on with you. PS how do you like the womanlog app?April 2011
mommyof2angelsHey, thought u had forgot about me:) nice to see u havnt. Me to bfn on the first, but still no at gonna wait till Monday if still no at gonna test again. Ty for the gl :) gl to u too. I like the app Ty for telling me. U keep me posted as well :) tty soon :)
mommyof2angelsWell even if I don't get a BFP on the 2ed me an my babe r still gonna try.
he was about to give up but we both want jus 1 more a lil boy wish me luck an baby dust
March 2011 -
mommyof2angelsI feel like crap=( af is due on the 2ed an I got a horrible cold or something idk I keep feeling like I am going to lose my lunchMarch 2011
mommyof2angelsOn nervous right now wanna test but AF ain't due until the 2ed an I think I had IB because I was spotting or a few days an I never spot between periods. Wish me luck an baby dust:)March 2011