what to do when ur bd/bf kicks u out @4months pregnant???

I'm so scared right now I have no clue what to do...


  • U cant go back and stay with ur parents
  • family?! friends?! maybe any family of his that u get along with?! worst case scenario, womens shelter...good luck 2 u & stay positive & keep ur head up!!!
  • Oh sweetie I am so sorry to hear that! Good luck, do u have any friends or family that you can stay with?!?
  • Yea, I'm @ my aunts house, but its so cramped over here...I just thinks this is bs, cause he wants to be single
  • He's a piece of shit sorry but he neda a g ood kick somewhere so he'll stay single! I hate guys
  • Get him for child support in 5 months.
  • The best thing u can do is let him see that u wud like for him to be in the babys life BUT u def dnt need him. I'm sure he is like other guys and will want to have his fun and then let u come back but plz, if u can help it dnt let that happen.. both my fiance and I both became homeless 2 months after we found out about the baby and no family shelter wud take us unless he left me. I thought that was messed up. But we stayed together and it made us stronger. Times r going to get harder before they get easier girl, hang in there!
  • Forget that ass ur a strong women u know how I know u didn't say u begged to stay so obviously u don't need him just get ur thoughts together and figure out wats the best thing for u and ur baby and do it
  • sweets I agree total bs!!!! If he wanted to be single then he shouldn't have gotten u prego :( but the thing I see alot is guys who do this & then a few months down the road say they miss you & then the girl goes back only to have her heart hurt again & the dad to walk in & out of the kids life Not fair to u or ur baby!
  • Well, he has a whole new woman, & this bitch has 3 kids, I swear if I could get my hands on him, & her
  • Did u already leave? If not, he has to put u out by taking u to court and filing a eviction if u get mail to the house...depending on what state u live n he cannot just put u out
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