need support im so hurt my heart crys :(

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I just returned home from the hospital after 5 long hours. I went in because I was having bad cramps andjust haven't felt well I recently turned 6 wks and got my first ultrasound today they said thy seen the sac but no baby....... and there is a high chance of a misscarriage but also can just be too soon to see I fear the worst I feel so... empty has this happened to anyone else? They couldn't see the baby at first?m


  • Ive heard this happens alot. Just pray and think positive
  • Doesn't mean u miscarried it could mean your maybe off on your dd and the baby isn't visible. Any bleeding?
  • edited March 2011
    Some women on here said this happened to them when they went to er at an early stage told no baby went to their dr or whatever and baby was fine
    Get your HGC(or HCG one of the two are correct) levels checked
  • Stay positive and do not stress hopefully everything will work out .....
  • I've heard this happen a lot too, you have to be exactly 6wks or more to see anything on ultrasound. I'm sure you are prob just a little too early. I'll be praying for you and your little one
  • In the beginning of mine they thought I either wasn't prego or it was a tube pregnancy. The er Dr made me pee in a cup and it said negative but then I demanded blood and told them I had positive tests before and sure enough I was prego just barely. I believe I was 6 weeks. Just pray. If something happens and you aren't that doesn't mean u can't get prego next month :) keep your head up
  • Thanx a lot ladies I just needed some input I guess it was the way the doctor broke it down that had me a little weary I have to wait about 2 more wks before I can go back praying for the best
  • Oh and I heard about that @ zbutmom ill be going for that tomorrow I need to rest today
  • I had gone to the er at 5 weeks 2 days and the first doc said no baby too. I was sooo devastated. After waiting another 4 hours the special doc came in and checked me. He saw baby but no heartbeat.

    I think its just to early for most woman. Try to calm down. I know that can be hard. But just think positive. :)
  • @shy
    I'm just now seeing your reply
    How you doing & how were your levels??
  • @Zbutt_Mom I'm hanging in there but I still feel weary I called ER where I went and they said they couldn't give me my results I have to wait for them to fax my original doctor office plus I went and got seen wontbe able to get results till Monday :-( the spotting is still on and off diff colors I've been home bound for 3 days..... sad
  • Stay positive and pray that's what I'm doing...
    My baby has a higher risk of having Downs Syndrome I've been praying every night for him...
    I know it's easier said than done but keep me updated...
    Are you still with the father?
  • Awe hunny like everyone else said I heard about this happening ALOT just give it time and I beet they will be proven wrong :) ever need to talk I'm here
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