Welcome to the August DDC!



  • Hello! I'm due Aug. 1st & my husbands bday is the 9th. This is our 2nd child, and this pregnancy is nothing like the first one was. My doctor said she had 4 kids & none were alike, so I'm learning as I go. This time its terrible morning sickness (all day, every day)
  • I'm due Aug 29... hoping for girl since have two boys that are 7 and 1. Can't imagine me chasing behind 3 little boys LOL
  • I'm due on the 4th of August
  • Is any1 showing yet cuz I'm only 11weeks and showing already I have 3 kids already and never started showing like this.
  • I am due aug 20 with my first child. we are super excited. I don't have morning sickness but am nauseous in the mornings, extremely exhausted all the time, now starting to get back aches.
  • I'm due the 26th and starting showing a week ago! But they say with each pregnancy you could show sooner.
  • I'm 10 wks and just barely showing... I'm a little on the healthy side not too big but my family says that they can see it...
  • Second baby due 8/20...hoping for a boy this time :)
  • I'm due Aug.24th but will have a csection a week earlier.This is my second I have a 4 yr old little princ
  • We are guessing our due date is 8/30 with #4. Thought we were done after #3 who is almost 9 and my oldest is 18. Getting used to the idea of our little surprise. First appointment is on the 27th. Hope to get to hear the heartbeat
  • I'm due aug 18 this is our third preg, lost our first at 21 weeks in jan 2010 and our second at 12 weeks july so we are cautiously optimistic but I am so nervous
  • I am due Aug 22 with my second baby! This baby has the same due date as my first child
  • I'm due 8/15...soooo tired, only been sick three days so far omg but the sickest I've ever felt....I was so tired I was praying not to have to get up to puke...lol...all worth it right mammas...my first and I didn't realize how hard it was gona be but just two more weeks and hopefully I can exercise again...
  • I'm due the 12th
  • I'm due aug 7, 2011 this if my third pregnacy. I have a boy 7 & a girl 5 years old. Just wishing for a healthy baby.
  • Hi everyone my due date is Aug 11, 2011...my first child...so excited
  • Due 8/13 with my third. Has anyone else noticed moist nipples when they take their bra off? Isn't it to early for that?
  • Im due 8/15 with my first :p
  • I am due 8/22 I am so excited!
  • August 23rd :p
  • I'm due Aug 1....with child number two.....
  • My current estimated due date is 8/26 but my first dr apt is this wed so I should have some info after that \:D/
  • I'm due Aug 22nd :-) I have been extremely exhausted, unbearably nauseous, its miserable. This is my second, I have a 4 yr old son, I don't remember feeling this crappy last time. I have gained weight, barely showing but I can't fit into most of my pants already... good luck ladies!
  • I'm due Aug 17th nd this is my first pregnancy. I have the worst nausea nd vomiting. I'm also looking for a solution to the tiredness
  • due date 8-22 first baby!! im Moody ii smell EVERYTHING super hungry sleeping schedule is weird very lazy!! but im excited
  • I'm due aug 27. So far im just super tired with a lot of headaches. Anyone know how long this will last? I'm tired of layin in bed all day :/
  • Im due the 27th and cant wait
  • Due 8/14
  • The second trimester is supposed to bring a lot of relief from the first trimester. :)
  • I'm due 8/30 my bday is 8/29. Im excited for this baby i have two kids 13 & 17...... i havent experienced morning sickness but im always tired. I sleep alot and make plans to go work out and just dont hace energy...i hope this fatigue goes away soon. I cant seem to get anything done.
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