pencil test on what youll have



  • My pwencil keeps
  • Typo* pencil
  • @BabyKixALot i was so thinking the same thing! Bahahaha... so funny.
  • lol.... yep no doubt about it, i'd for sure be burned for many a things! bah hahaha
  • my husbands grandma does this. Its fun to try. I do it to everyone I know but we use a needle at the center of the sharpened pencil eraser. I've done it to my grandma, mom, friends parents they all turn out right. I've done it for friends with kids and all were right on. But I just had a friend who had a boy. Pencil test said it would be a girl.(when I go to her house we're going to try again) I also know another person I did said she would have a girl after her 2 boys. Well according to the drs its a boy again so who knows! some rules I was taught: not to wear rings either the person performing the test & the one getting it. It must be quiet, and it doesn't work on guys.
  • Oh yeah and it doesn't work if you are already pregnant. I found that it does the opposite!
  • P.s. I've done it to myself and it works. I never heard the diagonal twins thing or the miscarriage thing so that makes me want to find my pencil test prop! His grandma taught me to use dark string always over your left wrist where your pulse is. You shouldn't have toget it going it should just go itself! Wrap the string atleast one full time around your right index finger! I've thought about doing it on camera and putting it on youtube! The freakiest part to me is how it comes to a dead stop! You must sit still! And have your arm on a table palm side up. Sorry I keep remembering the smallest things that can make all the difference!
  • WE DID THIS ON ALL THE GIRLS AT WORK AGAIN, everyone came out the exact same! so we did it on my hubby... girl girl, boy boy. he has two girls already... mine said boy boy. AHHHH i sure hope so!!! :)
  • @babyluv8 i have only seen it done on one friend that is already preggers but, it was actually true...
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  • Mine said boy, girl, boy, girl. Great combo! Still only pregnant with my first.
  • @imelanson ohhhh good luck!! Let us know hehe ....sooooo exciting!

    @ssuussiiee that's a prefect combo! LOL u will have to let us know as well with this one at least!
  • I think it works. I've tested it many times on people with children and its dead on everytime!
  • I just did this on 3 coworkers today! Only one has kids. It said boy girl girl.
    @mrsrocketfield1221 I think ours are similar but not the exact same. So maybe they don't work the same! You use a tac right? I was taught with a needle!
    It is crazy to me how it works for some ppl! I've tried my husband multiple times and it always is different sometimes says nothing and others says like 13 kids! Lol. I'm royally going to try it the tac way right now!
  • I forgot to add that my coworker has a boy and girl! So the first 2 were right well see if it turns out!
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