pencil test on what youll have

So... I work with all girls, half of which have kids. We did the pencil and string test to everyone... those who had kids Were right on (which it said they had one or two more coming -prob true since they're in early 20's). Mine said 2 boys which would be amazing BC that's what my hubby wants and he has two girls w his exwife. Wondering if anyone else has done or heard of this? If so... how true do u think it is and do you think it counts mc's?

Ohhh I want my boy or two... come on ovulation week!!!!! Hahaha


  • What's the pencil string test?
  • So... we put a tack in the eraser and tied a string on the end. An adult holds it still dangling above your wrist. The pencil circles and then either goes side to side (girl) or up and down (boy). In-between each child it circles... when ur done having kids it stops and goes pretty much still. I swear.... saw it done a few times and it gave me the chills! Like I said, those who had a kid or two was 100% right so I'm hoping it is for me too! Two healthy baby boys LOL (any sex will do really) but would be a huge blessing for us since my hubby has two little ladies!
  • @kristaf22 so neat huh?!?! I hope its true... good luck with your boy baby bean Hahaha ;)
  • Ok so i did this b4 and i did it several other times after and it was so right on it creeps me out... so i keep doing it (crazy, right! ;) ) always says girl, mc, girl, girl, boy. We have 3 girls and i had a mc after our first. Hoping its right we r ttc and would love to have a boy. :)
  • Can you hold the pencil w/ ur a hand do the other wrist?? Or does it have to b another adult?? I wanna do this ive never heard of this!!!
  • I held it myself w my right hand. Hoke it over ur left rist. By the way if it swings diagnal its suppise to mean twins.
  • Idk if i did it right it was going all crazy..
    up n down...lots of circles ...up n down( i counted mc..are u suppose to) bunch of circles then back in side to side..
  • Ive heard mixed things on MC or not... not sure! Hmmmm
  • It does large circles for mc. It should do small circles between pregnancies
  • I heard if they're large its twins! Like hmmm BC I had an MC.... now I'm gonna try again! Haha
  • Great...idk if im doing it right..this time up n done..little circls the a huge one the side to side..circles and up and done..well if the large circle is mc..idk..i want a girl..ill just have to wait till i go to the dr.!!!
    i already have a boy
  • Can you do it with a necklace since I don't have a tack? I wanna see if this works
  • Oh my! I just tried it! It said a girl then a boy and thats it. I did it 3 times and it was exactly the same! Im so freaked out! I hope that's how it turns out!
  • @proudmomma ...i'm not exactly sure. ive only heard it with the pencil and string lol anyone else know?

    @laurenmarie7291 isn't it wild?!?! so neat... i can't wait till my hubby gets home so we can see if we match... LOL!!!! i hope that's how it turns out for us as well... :)
  • yeah can someone explain it in full how do you see mc?? just full description i really want to try it
  • Lol so whats a tack ?
  • If u google it it will brjng u to a page that expkains in full
  • That sounds sooo cool
  • does it matter which wrist u use?
  • I've never heard of a pencile. I did it with a needle and thread. My mil di it to both my husband and I and it said boy boy girl girl. It was the same for both of us. And I have 2 boys. :-) hoping for a girl.
  • edited March 2011
    I've done it before and it freaked me out big time!!!! It was dead on for all 4 of my kids and even picked up on what I was carrying for the miscarriage I had!!!! I was told if it circles clock wise its a girl if its counter clock wise its a boy. When it goes side to side its picking up and sencing the other kids. When its done it will dead stop. But I've heard it only works on people who have already HAD kids. I did it to my mom and it worked. I did it to a stranger and told her not to tell me how many kids and what she had and it was dead on. Freaky!!! My mom didn't believe it. After doing it two times she threw the pencil lol. I believe it!!! It works!!! @taztwiater84 its suppose to be left wrist
  • Ladies its only a tack and pencil and string or thread. Or a little tiny nail. You stick it into the top of the pecile and dangle it over your left wrist. Its better to let some one else hold it bc u will shake. U may have to start the string a little bit to get it to move but its almost like a force is in the "tools". Its amazingly awesome!!!
  • So I'm confused I did the pencil test n I'm confused lol it did circles, back and fourth, then I think it went diagnal . Imma do it again!
  • Okay I did it and lol it was telling me a bunch of nothing. I did it again an it says two girls then a boy. Lol these things are fun for laughs
  • Okay I did it with a needle in the eraser and held it above my tummy and it was right. Lol my daughter started moving and she was asleep
  • Ok ladies just looked it up diagonal means twins and big circles means miscarriage or abortion. I haven't done it yet kinda to scared too don't want to be disappointed with whatever it says.
  • I hate to burst anyone's bubble but I hah this done to me and my husband several times before we found out we were preggo and for both of us it said boy girl boy and I am currently pregnant with twin GIRLS (coming this weds)! Heard it never fails but didn't seem to work on EITHER of us...
  • A few centuries ago, we'd be burned at the stake hahahaha!!
  • Yes a necklace works... I always use my cross pendant on my necklace! I e done this to people with kids and it always turns out right! I was at an engagement party and had done it on a couple of people I knew when a guy I had never met said that it can't be true so I did it on him! After it stoped moving I let him know he was going to have two children a boy then a girl! His jaw immediatly droped and said he in fact has two children a boy then girl! By then I had a little crowd around me and this older woman I didn't know also did not belive so she asked me to do it to her.... when I put the necklace over her wrist the necklace and the pendant would not move... I applogized to her and let her know this has never happend, I didn't know why it wouldn't move! She then revealed to me that she couldn't have kids!
  • Wow. That is crazy. Brings chills. I really hope the one I did is right cuz we will have a girl.
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