Still sickie..!

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
So Im 11 weeks.! &' I'm still really sick &' to top that off I have horrible heartburn.! =(( I thought my symptoms would start going away at the end of my 1st trimester..?! Just curious if anyone else is still experiencing "morning" sickness..


  • Personally im not but I have heard of a lot of women who have had it there whole pregnancy. And others have said it just magically went away one day. So I guess what im trying to say is hang in there mama!
  • I'm 16 weeks and still am sick some. It's slowly getting better though. I guess each person is different. Just hang in there, it will all be over before you know it and you'll have your beautiful baby and won't even remember the misery.
  • Im 17 Weeks And I Have Beem Sicl EVERYDAY Since Finding Out I Was Pregnant & The Meds Arent Working
  • Thank you guys for your comments.! You guys are sweet ((=... I guess I'm just one of the "lucky" ones lol.! But I'll hang in there..! Because I know one day I'll miss it..! Anyways, night ladies.! <3 :]]
  • I will be 11 weeks tommorrow and I have been sick everyday. The meds I got from my doctor are helping alittle. It all my pregnancys I've never been this sick.
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