Pregnancy after MC... share with us!

edited March 2011 in Health
I know many ladies on here have gone through an MC including myself... now I'm TTC (happened at the end of nov. and have been trying since about Jan.) so I'd love to hear about happy success stories after an MC. How long did you wait? How long did it take? Did you do anything to help the process along? I think it will just be nice to be given some hope for myself and the other ladies TTC after an MC!



  • I'm so sorry for your loss, MC is such a hard thing to go through...I was searching for the same hope, just needing to hear some success stories, hopefully mine could be a start...I had a MC dec 17 & am now almost 8 weeks pregnant again...after the MC I was so depressed & did a lot of research & w/the help of my sis (whose a nurse)....decided to use a natural progesterone cream since there was a strong possibility I have low progesterone & got pregnant right after my first period since the MC...I'll still probably use the cream till about 12-15 weeks, till I know my body has created enough...but things already seem much different than last time...hoping for the best...still incredibly nervous tho! I wish u the best too!
  • We had been trying for three years when we finally got BFP. This was in July. Then we were told beta too low and was probably ectopic. The next month was a mess of methyltrexate shots and tears. We have male factor infertility and so my husband decided to get surgery to help with it. Feb 16 he had the procedure and that weekend had some minor complications we had to go to ER. While there I started having massive cramping and pain in my lower stomach and then massive bleeding. They admitted me and hubby was in room 7 and I was in room 9. I was bleeding so much didn't know what was going on until ultrasound where we found out pregnant... With twins! The doctor didn't want to say anything until my in laws got there bc no heartbeat and they had me at a little over six weeks and she though not viable. So we went to OB and one had heartbeat, the other they wanted us to come back the next week to check and gave us pic with both babies. I asked for one with just the baby w heartbeat because I knew after the ectopic nothing was guaranteed and I thought better to surprise everyone w second baby than explain loss. I was treated like a monster for that request, but hubby was supportive and the next week found out lost second baby. We are now 12 weeks in and baby seems to be doing great, hubby too, all recovered! Still scared, I think after losses you change, but so excited and can't believe how much we already love our little jellybean! Stay strong and positive, miracles happen when you least expect them! Hugs and love!
  • thanks so much ladies... i sure hope my happy ending to this story comes soon! :)

    @garden_of i need to actually have an ob check up... since i moved a yr and a half ago i havent. i'd like to talk to a doc. about everything but don't want to obsess or anything! is the cream over the counter or no? and how much? :) GOOD LUCK with this pregnancy.... may it be healthy and easy! ;)

    @jellybean1015 i am hoping that you have a wonderful pregnancy from now till the very end as well. i guess in all the hard times... there's always light. :) what a blessing this baby will be! i am determined to stay strong and that my day will come... soon... lol. but i sure need some pick-me-ups now and then! thanks so much for lifting my heart! good luck!
  • well mine was back in nov. so i'm ok... but wish we had been ready right away. i kind of had to deal with it myself bc my hubby didnt want to believe it and we had his girls that weekend... and i dont have very close friends out here since i moved... and no one knew back home. so the healing took longer i guess, it was about a month until my hubby and i sat down and talked about it and i was able to be upset about it. ahhh... now i hate that it's taking long! lol urg! thanks so much.... and GOOD LUCK to you!
  • We m/c feb 2010 and I found out in September 2010 expecting again :) it took us 6 months after m/c to conceive again but we really held off for the first 3 months, that's what my doctor told us to wait. I will be 34 weeks :) your happy ending will come soon :) I know its hard but everything has a weird way of working out. GOOD LUCK! :) :)
  • wow @mybabygirl you are so close now! congrats, thank you so very much!! :*
  • I had one sept 29, 2010 with a dd of 5-17-11 and i had my last period dec 24 n i got prego and im now 14weeks today =) so only took a couple mons for me..didnt do anything different
  • @mrsrocketfield1221 I had a mc on Oct 28 and got pregnant Nov 15 sometime my doctor is guessing so pertty soon and I'm now 22 weeks preggers w my lil girl still worry till this day but I try to stay postive
  • @mrsrocketfield1221 thank you! It took us a year from when we first started trying. I feel like it happens when its supposed to, our due date is our anniversary, I knew that had to be a good sign :)
  • I had a MC August 17, 2010 at 10 weeks. After I finished miacarrying two weeks after, I had my period. My husband and I started trying as soon as we could. After the miscarriage I ordered an angel necklace that I never took off. Then after three months of not getting pregnant, I decided I needed to let go even though it was really hard. So I took the necklace off, and Bam the next month, in december I was pregnant!!! I really believe it was because I let go. I found out I was pregnant a few days before christmas, and it was the best present ever!!! And now I'm 17 & 1/2 weeks pregnant with my little girl :) I didn't use anything to help the process, just had to be emotionally ready to let the misscarriage go and accept what happened.
  • I had a mc last June god the pain was unbearable I would wake up and find myself bursting out in tears missinqq my baby so much ..I cried out to god sayin please bless me with another one I tried to conceive after the mc and I gave up I lost hope and here come January and my period is late went to the doc cried happy tears to find out I am expecting I'm now almost 12 weeks pregnant I still worry abt the baby but I am so blessed to be given another chance to be a mommy again and I kno this time I will make it thru to bring my baby home with me not in memories but in my arms where it belong:)
  • I had 2 back to back october and december at 4 and a half and 5 weeks and am now almost 8 weeks pregnant :) good luck momma I couldn't stop crying for months everyone would ask how the baby was and I'd just cry
  • @mrsrocketfield1221 my sis found me the cream online , it was around $'s called Femme Balance....thnx, I'm hoping so! :)
  • I had one in Oct. We started trying right away....nothing happen so in Jan did my first cycle of clomid, and in Feb. Did my second cycle of clomid and we got pregnant. I am also on progesterone bc when I did m/c my progesterone numbers were before they even tested my levels they put me on them just in case....after you m/c you have this constant fear until you hear or see the babies heartbeat.....I went last Thursday, hoping the appointment would put me at ease, it didn't. The doc thought I looked to be more like 4 weeks then I have to go back next Thursday. Surprisingly I am doing well...spirit wise. Your day will come honey, and when it does embrace it and enjoy every second of it. I am learning to do that....God Bless and Good Luck!
  • edited April 2011
    @mrsrocketfield1221-I'm so sorry to hear u had a m/c. I had a mc last year in June, besides losing my father that was the most devasting thing ever. I didn't want to talk to anyone, I literally stayed in my house for a whole month. Right after the m/c I told my hubby that I didn't want to try again. But I changed my mind I knew that god wouldn't give me anything I couldn't handle and I had faith that god would soon bless us w a baby. In November I started taking folic acid and I started eating better and working out and I got pregnant in Jan, I'm 10 weeks right now I've had 2 u/s and we got to hear our lil peanuts h/b so everything is going great!! I wish u the best of luck and have faith god will bless you w a baby if u can start taking folic acid:)
  • Hi, sorry to hear all your stories but great to hear about these pregnancies after! U had a miscarriage in Nov 10. Opted for the d 'n' c and was told to wait for one month before trying again. Af came Dec, then again Jan but we went on a Caribbean cruise end of Jan and I think the relaxation and sun must have worked cuz a couple of weeks after we got back we found out we were pregnant! Much more nervous than before and had a couple of small bouts of bleeding but all going well with the baby so far! I'm 10 weeks tomorrow and I'm on countdown, 2 and a half weeks till next scan! I wish you ladies all the luck in the world, I know the heartbreak everyone's gone through so healthy, happy babies for all please :)
  • My daugter was stillborn at almost 41 weeks in July. 2 OBs both told me to wait 4 months to conceive again. We waited 5 months and got pregnant the 6th. So I'm 14 1/2 weeks now. Good luck!
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