last name fight

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
The baby no matter what is having my last name not a discussion my kids are not having different last names (I also have a4 yr old son) he doesn't get why that's an issue...and way we broke up so now it really is no discussion but he said he wants to tell his family the baby has his last name (lie to them) cuz he's embarrassed I guess honestly idc he's an I said no I don't want to lie..I also never met half of his family only his mom and 2 of the 4 of his siblings one of which screwed my sons father..frankly I don't like his family and the grand parents and the rest of them he won't let me meet because Im covered in tattoos and have a mohawk...which is growing o ut would you guys feel about this???


  • F*** him its up to you..
  • I agree with you. You are the one who is having the baby and your not married or even together so why would You give the baby his last name. Men are idiots.
  • Your choice! F him!
  • I get where your coming from especially when your not together! My baby will have my boyfriends last name not mine, but I plan on sharing that last name someday :) I think boys just think its "supposed" to have their last name..especially if its a boy
  • Thanks guys for your support !! Atleast I know I'm not being crazy
  • wtf so is he ashamed of u?! i could totally spell out this word but ill be nice... *** EFF HIM!!*** the baby should have your last name... y make one different?.. & him not wanting u to meet his family?? OMFG! i have over 36 tattoos, i have eyebrow, nose, monroe, tongue 3x & labrea pierced... my hairs black blonde & red... but ive met ppl & no one has a problem w/ it.. its WHO U ARE.. & he needs to know that that is wut matters.. NOT YOUR LOOKS! hell, i even got told by my boss "well, ill be honest, i wuznt even gunna look at your app when u handed it to me cuz of, well, the way u look, but told 2 give u a shot & im so glad i did..." so yeah.. he should think of ur personality, NOT ur looks.. & yet again... eff him.. let the baby have ur last name... you all aint married.. to hell w/ it... now my bf wants me to give our baby HIS LAST name... uhm... yah.. we aint married lol.. but i also herd that the father has to ADOPT his own kid in order 4 that kid to have his last name (to change it from mine.....) anyone know bout that?? cuz i like my last name... u dont here it often, its uncomen.. & very few even have it... but his name.... OMG!!!! its 4 letters... its SOOOO easy.. sooo original.. ive known ppl unrelated w/ that last name... in school in the yr books there wuz like 5 of em who didnt know each other.. i mean... so yeah.. lol... ugh... idk.. but yes, keep ya last name! lol... fuck him! hahahaha!
  • His problem. Not yours! Tell him to take a hike lol
  • @girlsloveink hahaha I have 24 tattoos and I'm only 20 lol their all VERY large pieces I think my smallest is like the size of my fist.. My hair was red and black and when I got pregnant I died it all black cuz I couldn't stand when the red would fade and I couldn't freshen it up with the red I love so I said forget it lol I have microdermals on my chest and a few on my back and vertical labret nose smiley and frowny nipples and labia lol tmi sorry hahaha and I don't know many people who have had a problem with my appearance (except when I go in to american eagle for him hah)
  • @natashalynn exactly! Thanks girl
  • You can name your child anything you want. He will not have to adopt his own child if his name is on the birth certificate. But changing a last name can be expensive and drawn out process. I'm happily married but will still hyphenate my boys last name. My maiden then married, for bloodline reasons.
  • If you two aren't together and aren't planning on getting married, then I would give the baby your last name. You'll most likely have primary custody and it will be so much easier in school with all of you having the same name.
  • @laura536 I will def have costidy and exactly with the school thing
  • My thing is...what did the guy do in the baby making process?? Oh. Sex. Big deal. Our feet go up a size, our boobs get big and produce food, our back hurts, and we throw up for months on end. Don't even get me started on the that that a hole in our body stretches to 10 cm which we physically push a person why should he get credit??? A sexist tradition?!? Lol no thanks
  • @natashalynn hahaha girl I like how you think!! Thanks for the great things I can point out lol
  • My pleasure hun. My bf and I had the same debate so I had thought my reasons thru lol.
  • And it wuznt tmi. My nipples are pierced too, jus didn't knw if u wanted to knw tht.. i even have a forum tht says pierced nipples cuz i didn't know wethr to rly breast feed or not.
  • @girlsloveink you can still:) my friend did...I didn't do mine till my son was way past nursing but I've known a couple people who have
  • it is your child and you can name your baby what you want... however,(dont take this the wrong way) my half sister had her last name changed from her original last name to hey adopted dad's last name and she hated it... she hated not being connected to her dad and other siblings especially since she was raised with her mom, step dad, and other brother... she is now 25 and we hardly know each other and for most of our life we were afraid of walking past each other with out knowing we just walked past our family.
  • That would suck I know people who have been in that situation before too and they go as far as to lie about theirname but its just me and my kids my 1st son doesn't even know his dad so its a good thing I kept with my name he was around when her was born tho..I just don't want my kids to have a different last name than me or each other..its not like I'm giving him or her a step parents name
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