hows everyone feeling?

edited March 2011 in November 2011
not symptoms wise, just emotionally. i have my really excited days and then my days where im just kind of here. i think it may be because im a very impatient person and 7 and a half more months is a long time. i dont know if i FEEL pregnant yet, i mean i know i am, and the nausea and sore boobs are a constant reminder, does that make sense? it's my first time being pregnant ever, after two years of not thinking i could be. hmm.


  • i am excited but scared and i cry alot for no reason
  • Very excited, first pregnancy... and anxious to get through the first trimester safe...
    Sometimes I don't feel pregnant...
  • Lately I've been feeling really lonely. My boyfriend and I weren't trying to get pregnant, so this was a big surprise. Before pregnancy my life consisted of going g out all the time with friends and drinking. Of course I can't do that anymore, but that's still all my friends do, not to mention my bf is a bartender so he's out late a lot of the week, so I sit at home by myself every night after work. I go through stages of being ok, then it changes really fast to feeling depressed and crying all the time. I know its horrible and selfish of me to feel this way; my sister had a really hard time getting pregnant and had to do fertility treatments, so I am sensitive to the fact that this is really a gift and it doesn't come so easily for everyone, but when you are living a life a certain way and expecting it to be that way for a few more years, its hard to just flip a switch over night. Sorry I went on and on, but I feel like I really have no one to talk to about this, my "friends" don't care enough to listen And my family is disappointed in me..I mean my mom wont even talk to me. Plus, why do some women say they love being pregnant?! My boobs constantly hurt, I'm nauseous day and night, and I haven't gone one day without a headache! Food just doesn't taste goods and I'm too tired to even do the laundry. I feel like those women deceived me. Lol
  • well im due tomarrow with my first and i think somewhere among these 9 months i lost my mind. yesterday i was a winy baby cry from contractions. today i feel like a swollen whale :/ how the hell can women love being pregnant???
  • @Amos Im 31, with my first. I used to go out all the time too... I went out with my friends last Friday and had a blast. I had sprite, and danced (great workout) with a lot of breaks. Go out, just don't over do it... I'm sorry you feel alone... you certainly are not...
  • @ Heffas_wife: haven't started the crying yet, is it just over emotional stuff or just random?

    @cupkake80: im very anxious too, its nerve racking thinking about it sometimes, but like you i dont feel pregnant, and im not sure how i should..

    @amos: i totally hear you, i separated from my husband, no divorce, and after me moving out and two years of us trying with no results, the second month we are apart, after a few hook ups with him, preggers. i used to go out all the time and drink and smoke and all these things, staying out til all hours of the morning, and now i hardly see my friends because im just too tired ( i go to bed at 9! 9!!!), and i don't really want to go out anyways, because i feel they just don't get it. it sucks, i wouldnt say its selfish, because you stopped, which is important, if you didnt, thats selfish. its hard to switch over, especially unplanned. but you had to flip the switch, and you'll get used to it, i know i still am.
  • i thought i couldnt get pregnant after like 5yrs when i 1st tried w/ my then fiance whn i wuz 19... now im 24 & im pregnant w/ my 1st... i dont feel pregnant... like, its a dream... its so unreal... me? pregnant? noooo... lol.. but i love that i am... my back is killing me & i have headaches & dizzy & ew feeling, but im happy i am... i just keep getting "bad feelings" & it makes me cry... yesterday i had a SHARPE shooting paint on my right side of my belly button... & i think its cuz i moved the couch.. & i just started crien... not that it hurt THAT BAD but im so scared to lose it... i wish thoze feelings would go away... maybe its cuz my friend just had a M/C.. :( & my gma had i think 4 M/C & 2 still borns b4 she had her 5 kids... im just scared... & @Amos .... u shouldnt feel bad that u feel that way... all ur friends wanna do is party, & at least one should freaking be there for u... i understand u feel alone... ur pregnant & cant do the fun things u did... but sumone should be supportive! y is ur family & mom disapointed in u? they all had kids... wth is their problem... just think... nows the time to see who ur true friends are... & is ur bf at least supportive? just when ur home alone.. force urslf to get outta bed.. blare the radio, sing loud, run around the house.. ect lol... or read if u do that, or watch tv... dont think about it... enjoy ur free time alone.. u can scratch ur azz & pick ur nose & no one will care... LOL.. if u & him are ok, just think, "oh hell be home in so many hours..." yay! lol. & i kno wut u mean by being so tired u dont wanna do anything... i think i laid in bed for 2 days straight.. didnt wanna move at all... my hair look like it had a growth in it cuz it wuz so knotted up lol... took awhile to manage... but i got it... thank u lol... but just get up... go take a hot shower.. fix ur hair up, put sum make up on, get all dolled the eff up!!! & just go do sumthing... go be seen... go to the store.. take ur time... go for a walk w/ the dog or by urself.. make new friends... hell, i feel like crap, & every great now in then i just get dolled up & wait..... lol... at least i feel purty & then bf is happy whn he comes home to see me so that makes me feel good... but now i started working & idk how things will be... so yah.. but the best of luck to u.. i wish u well..
  • @GirlsLoveInk girl don't be lifting couches! I feel you on the bad feelings, my boss/friend just lost her baby and it just feels to close to home, m/c worry me even though I haven't had any, its just been so long I've been waiting for something like this, sometimes I feel like muscle aches, but im pretty sure its just because everything is changing in us! Uterus doubling and what not. I try not to worry, you shouldn't either
  • @booshysbaby lol yah i know... no more couch living.. bfs like "wtf are u doing?!" im like, i need to plug my charger in... damn.. lol... but yah.. its just a horrible feeling... an im MAYBE like 5wks.. so its like, am i getting all thez pains TO SOON!? i mean.. that pain in my side'ish area sucked.. then under my right boob on my rib hurt, now, on the left side, on my back , i guess my ribs hurt... totally sux... & i just do, i have this feeling like, well... ur only SO FAR along... & u decided to tell everyone & now ur prolly gonna lose it... :( idk.. & im over weight so that scares me... u kno.. i hope this feeling passes, im so happy im preggers! im so excited but im just scared..
  • @cupkake80: thanks so much for the support. I keep telling myself when I wake Up that I'm going to be productive today, then just getting ready makes me tired, lol, how are you going and dancing!?? Hopefully the fatigue goes away soon, so I can feel at least somewhat normal. And I know what you mean about not feeling pregnant, I find it hard to have a connection with something that doesn't Feel real. I guess the more you go on though, especially seeing physical changes, you it will definitely feel real.
    @booshysbaby: well it sounds like you and your husband still want to be together, was it the infertility that separated you two in the first place? Even with the circumstances I'm happy it finally happened for you and your husband and I wish you all the best. :)
    @girlsloveink: haha Thanks for the advice. Sometimes it just feels like a big task getting ready in thenmorning though. I know what you mean though, just making yourself up puts you in a better mood and makes you feel better. My bf is extremely supportive, he's 29, and has mentioned he's at that point in Howard life where he's ready to start a family, so he's happy as pie, until he started reading the daddy baby he's terrified, lol. Me, ill be 24 in July, and was planning on having kids when I was I was more shocked/terrified/my life is over kind of emotions. I've gotten past the shock and my life is over phase. And try not to fret over having a miscarriage, yes it can happen, but worrying about it and being scared to death wont make your chances of having one any less. Its actually better to just be relaxes and carefsree. Don't let your body stress over it. And having pain in your abdomen is normal, your uterus is growing after all. Oh and my mom is just a horrible woman..and my older sister is like the golden child..went to college, got married, then had to go through fertility treatments, which I wouldn't wish upon anyone. And then there's me, was engaged, broke it off, started going out a lot, versa a new bf, get knocjednup. My entire family mentioned abortion, but I just can't do that. I'm a big girl, I take responsibility for my actions.

    Thanks so much ladies for the support, you have Helped tremendously...even if we all have different stories, we are all going through the same thing.

  • @GirlsLoveInk im only about 7 and we've told everyone too, its hard not to in the day and age we live in. It used to be bad luck but who cares! Im a tad overweight too so it was hard to tell what was going on with my body, but for me its obvious now only a couple weeks later, that bump is there. I think its why im still not feeling pregnant because I haven't attached myself yet, cause im scared, but I keep thinking, im 21, young, pretty healthy, me and baby can do this! Positive thoughts.
  • @Amos well I took a long nap before I went out lol... I did rest between songs and I wasn't getting CRAZY... just trying to have fun, I'm 9 weeks so you can't really tell I'm prego. Just take breaks and you will start to feel fine... someday are better than others...
    @booshysbaby I'm sure we'll feel the connection soon enough... it just doesn't seem real yet, but it is... LOL
  • I just want to say how much I love this community of us preggos! I K only 5 weeks and reading about how everyone is going through similar feelings (anxiety, nervousness, elation, disbelief) is helping me get through this early stage. My hubby and I have told only a handful of people and I feel like I am gonna drive him crazy talking about things over and over. I am just soooooo tired, I haven't done a thing besides work in the past two weeks. At least I know I am not the only one : )
  • I'm very emotional and start to getting miserable cuz I'm so ready to have my princess. ... I'm depressed all da time its really hard fa me.... I'm due June 24 when are u due......
  • I so tired all the time. Ugh! (:|
  • I'm 5wks 4days and I am so emo...... yesterday was a good day I had energy wasn't that sick but today I don't want to get outta bed @ all I just feel blah and yucky just waiting to get thru the first trimester........
  • I'm just crampy and emotional overwise which ill take over morning sickness any day... wish u ladies the best
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