I dread telling everyone the names we picked...

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Hi, ladies! My husband & I already picked out names for our baby, but telling our friends & family the first time around was so much "fun" that I'm totally dreading it this time... I am super moody this time around & just not looking forward to the negative feedback, but we can't please everybody & we only agree 100% on one girl name, lol... can you please tell me what you think of these names? Thanks!
Girl- Natasha Louise, Boy- Isaac Wayne ... both middle name is a 4 generation tradition & girl middle name is for his grandmother who passed away 2 years ago & was really the only one in his family I truly loved...


  • *oopsy- supposed to say 'boy middle name, not both ;)
  • Well just hang off from.not telling them until you're ready. My inlays are the same way
  • I say this is you and your man's decision. So who cares what everyone else thinks. If y'all like the names you picked than that's all that should matter! BTW I like them both!
  • When I was pregnant with my first we picked a girls name gabriella Marie and for a boy I would name him after my husband Paul Anthony Jr. Everyone loved the names but his mother. She said they were bad and I would change my mind she had a notebook if names she picked in the end our first was a girl gabriella Marie and our second was a boy and stuck to the name as long as you and your other half like the name no one else matters
  • We have not told his family our baby's name either. We are going to tell them next week at the baby shower, making a game out of it by having them guess first.

    It's your baby name it what you want, there is no reason for them to argue, the names you picked are nice ones. If they start to drag on you about it just make a joke about naming it something really offensive, like Vinigar Stinkybutt. Insist that is your second choice.

    Or just accept the suggestions, and tell them you will consider it. (Your pregnant, white lies are allowed) That should atleast shut them up.
  • Love those
  • Thank you, ladies! I know its really up to us... people can just be so darn rude & not think about it... I just don't want to "hear" about it... lol... I'm so moody I'm afraid I'll lose it on the first person who's rude, ha ha... so not like me!
  • When your pregnant being moody is allowed just have your guy warn everyone that's what my hubby does I get to the point it just comes out
  • Just so you know I love the boy name! When he's older it will really have a good ring to it.
  • Both names are very cute so forget what everyone else thinks as long as you both love it! :-D
  • I think both of the names are great picks. I especially like that you are picking names that mean something special to you. My middle name is Louise after my aunt.
  • I like those names! They have a nice ring.
  • Its your baby so name him or her whatever u like...no matter what your family thinks.. I think they are beautiful names,
  • I like them too!
  • Hey I really love the names both are cute and different our names seems different to me too its Maximus Oliver. Oliver was my pawpaws middle name.
  • I think names that have meaning to you are the best, because its going to make your lil one feel special also. Who cares about in laws. They already got to name their kids. And guess what, no matter what you name them, thats what they will be calling them for the rest of their lives lol So go for it, I think they are great!!
  • those names are fine,but if you still dred their remarks just dont tell them til she/he is born. thats what i started doing after going through all the remarks about the names i liked. when they ask what are you naming it i would say im not sure yet.
  • I think that the names are family names that have sentimental value & they are lovely (:
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