foooooood :p?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
gosh i think im taking advantage of this whole being pregnant thing yesterday my babydaddy took me to the grocery store and bought me everything i was craving and even some ginger ale to help ease my morning sickness which is all day long kinda thing:( is it just me? or is anyone else hungry all the time ? lol the only thing that kills it sometimes is my nausea tht is all day long i haven't thrown up yet but im afraid i will one day lol


  • Ugh yes being noxious suckks !!
    I'm 4 monthss and I still get them but I actually puke..:(
    & I eat like 7 times a day lol
  • I know exactly what u mean. My bf and I went out to eat last night and I wanted to order half the menu bc it all sounded good....oh the decisions
  • Its like clockwork. Every hour I get hungry no matter how much I ate the last hour..... keeping the weight gain to 25-35 lbs is gonna be real tricky ....
  • edited March 2011
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  • I am pretty nauseus all day..I make my own smoothies in the morning and usually have oatmeal or fruit. I can't really stand to think about eating meat. I gave my husband a grocery list the other day and it had no meat on it. However, I hardly ever have fast food, but at least once a week I will have junk. One week it was a quarte pounder, then pizza, a footlong chili cheese coney, ravoli (haven't had that since I was a kid) and tonight was crawfish. I never know from one day to the next. I do eat a lot of fruit and veggies
  • @Jenniiee it does the day i puke i think is the day ima stop eating i hate throwing up the only time i dont feel nauseous is when i eat lemony stuff
  • @redhead25 omg that happenes to me too i feel like oprdering the whole menu plus more lmao
  • @314babymama1120 omg yes i feel like ima have to work out 24/7 after i have my baby to lose all the weight ima gain with all this eating
  • @babymama0214 yes me too alll day everyday lol gosh red meat makes me nauseous too idk why the other day i was craving ribs then when i had them i was ready to puke :\
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