They say a baby is born every minute!! who else is due in NOVEMBER :)



  • Nov 4th will be my 4th child
  • Nov 26 hoping for a lady we have 2 gorgeous boys. :X
  • i'm due Nov 18, which is funny because my birthday is Nov 11. i'm hoping for another boy, so my son can have a little brother to grow up with.
  • I'm due 11-13. We are hoping for a boy we already have a two year old boy he needs a play mate. First ultrasound not until the 13th of april. I'm excited to hear the heartbeat.
  • Nov 3rd #CantWait :-bd
  • Jtroy11 - I am the same :) .November 21st . The boyfriend and I want a girl because he has a 4yr old boy from a previous relationship. :) fingers crossed for the both of us !!!,
  • I'm due Thanksgiving Day, November 24th! I have an 18 month old ds and really don't care if it is a boy our girl. A healthy baby is what I want!
  • Due 11-11-11. I think baby may be a girl, but we will see. Hubby and I just want a healthy baby!
  • I figured my due date is November 28th. This is my 4th. I have a 10 year old girl and 2 and 3 year old boys. I would love to have a girl :-)
  • edd is Nov 30th, would love a girl!!!!
  • I'm due Nov 11... hoping for a girl cause I already got a 7 month old boy on my hip.
  • Edd is the sixth and this is my first
  • My EDD is 11/18 but were preggo with triplets so probably deliver in Sept. This is #6-8 for me. These & twins I had in '03 are both surrogacies. I have 2 girls & a boy.
  • Due Nov 7th. Hoping for a girl cuz I have a boy and this will be my last kid.
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  • November 5th first xchild hoping for a boy:)
  • My due, is nov 18 th.
  • I want a girl bc have 2 boys already. But if it is a boy that fine too. Good
    luck to all the mommy out there and god bless you and your baby.
  • Edd is nov21. I want a girl! I already have a boy who's 6
  • Nov 2nd I'm so excited this will be my first one and I'm hoping its a boy because my famliy is filled with girls!! Its time for a change but I have a feeling its a girl
  • estimated due date Nov 26. My first child. I just want a healthy baby ;-D
  • We're due November 13 with our first. I think we're going to have a boy but we will be happy with a boy or girl!
  • I am due November 9th
  • I'm due Nov 19th. Hubby wants a boy. I have a boy (2yr 4mo) & a girl (9mo on Mar 27). I think it is either a boy or twins again. I lost my sons twin bro 6 days b4 they were born.
  • November 28th and this would make my 3rd child but my 5th once we get married
  • November 6th. First child. Super excited. Hoping it is a boy!
  • Well its my third and I am blessed with a boy and girl this one been a long battle so just as long as healthy I dont mind im due on 2nd november x
  • Im due November 3 with twins. I hope at least one of them is a boy since I already have two girls, 5 and 2.
  • Im due november 5th..

    So excited! Really hoping for a little mini me :) so a girl lol im the oldest in my family and I love my mom and i's relationship
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