The season finale to teen mom 2



  • edited March 2011
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  • I'm not trying to be rude but u did say u felt bad
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  • Lol @isaiahjocelynsmommy and I don't hate her i think she just makes stupid decisions and from what the college said shes a good student she just needs to get her priorities straight that's all
  • Lol they.need to have a reality show called pregzilla when pregnant females attck lol it will b hilarious
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  • Janelle should get her @ss kicked lol! And as far as the other mommies, hmmm I just don't know the sad thing is the only girls that they showed working out of all of them was janelle and kailynn. So they are all mooching somewhere, why work when your getting paid to air your life? Lol, so sad but I do agree that leah puts her girls first but I heard she is still unfaithful to corey? Was that a rumor? I hope it was bc that man loves her and his girls soo much! He deserves the love back!
  • I dont think leah wud cheat..... She married
  • Bahahahahaha Fashion_junky91 I agree 100%!!!!
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  • People cheat all the time when their married, that's not something that would suprise me! Its wrong, but nothing I havnt heard before
  • Shes too lucky .....i hope she aint cheatin on him he a good guy
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  • Oh ok, well that's good then! :)
  • Everybody,knows everybody sheesh
  • @ FirstTimeMommyToBe I understand what your trying to say. Yes I agree that Janelles mom may not be mother of the year material, but that is all the more reason that they should get the counceling. Its time to break this cycle so that Jace doesn't grow the same same way. There isn't a good excuse for Janelles actions, yes we can sympathize with her past as far as how she was brought up, but many of us I am sure have gone through bad things and we've made a choice to make a change and make a difference, especially for our childrens sake. THat is something Janelle needs to realize and accept that she either makes the change with herself or her son just might wind up the same wway she is. ALthough Janelles mother does seem to be better with JAce then peraphs she was with her own daughter. BUt counceling would be the best route and for them to both admit their faults. One thing that I wish they both would not do is fight & yell in fornt of the baby, and goes for all these moms. But maybe the only way JAnelle will grow up and learn is by hitting rock bottom, and just maybe that will be her wake up call. I hope it doesn't take that though. Its a sad situation for them all.
  • Leah is a dental assistant, Kaitlyn is a waitress...chelsea is a mooch and Janelle is all kinds of messed up
  • Chelsea's dad gives her everything she wants , she doesn't even have a high-school diploma or GED and she keeps going back to a douche that treats her like crap ! Leah and her husband are the only one's with their stuff together. Janelle is psycho and so is her mother . I just saw on the news the other day about how she got in a fist fight over her loser EX kieffer which was taped and put on youtube. She is straight trailer trash. And kailynn was super disrespectful when she was living with her baby's daddy even though he is a straight psycho . I liked teen mom 1 better , almost all the moms on teen mom 2 suck except for Leah.
  • I heard that leah n her hubby got a divorce after only 5 months or being married but that could just be a rumor...
  • I think that show is just plain evil. I was a teen mom, had my oldest at 17. Those girls r so whiney. I went through hell. They all act so entitled like everything should b handed to them. I had to work hard for everything, 0 family support. I haven't seen the second season... and have no desire to. I don't judge young moms as a whole, but the ones I have seen on the show need to get their sh** together.
  • I think Janelle needs to dump her little boyfriend. But I also think her mom needs to calm down just a lil... not about the credit cards and all that but like that time janelle spilt something on the couch she totally flipped out. I think her and her mom have some problems..
    I like kailyn.. but hate how she's with jordan lol he is awkward to me. And weird.. but I think she is a good mom. And joe is a good dad to their son too. I think they need to get over the arguing all the time and low blows.
    Chelsea.. I like her. And I feel bad that adam is such a jerk. Yes she may be spoiled but hey if your dad is waitin on you hand and foot with a house money and food. Would you say no? Probably not.. at the end of the day she's a great mom to aubree. But I think she at least needs to stop procrastinating and get her ged.
    Leah. Nothing bad to say there. I love her and corey and the twins. Im glad they are living a stable life aside from issues.
  • Leah's wedding made me cry! Lol I was so happyyyy for them. gosh I get so emotional at sappy things now that I'm pregnant (:
  • i cried when i saw leah get married . i just burst into tears . and as for janelle i dont think she should be able to see jace . and as for chelsea and adam i dont think adam should be able to see aubree until he does pay his child support like chelsea said and its also funny how the only time he wants anything to do with aubree is when hes not living in the same household as chelsea . idk its all confusing and i hope the leah one daughter i cant remember which baby it is gets better and is able to walk .
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