Anybody's bf do a complete 180 for the worst after finding out you're pregnant?

So before we found out we were pregnant, we would talk about it a lot..and both of us wanted kids.. (oh, & had a miscarriage back in dec, now pregnant again at 7 weeks) we found out I was pregnant again & both really excited, but after the 1st week we found out..he's starting acting completely different & mean...behaving like a douche bag boyfriend...i don't even know if we'll last through the week.. I'm scared & stressed & just sad...we used to be so close.. Anybody else going through this? Need some support, he's not good at "talking it out"


  • He is just going thru a phase he mite be scared
  • Same exact thing happened to me, got pregnant he was thrilled then I miscarried and a few months later got pregnant again and he's been a d-bag ever since, my daughter is 2 now and we are pregnant with a boy due Apr. 26th, I don't know how we made it this far... sorry honey I don't have any advice but I understand what you are going through
  • My bf became a dick when I was preggers we where only 16/17 and hadent been together that long but after georgia was here he turned into his normal lovely ( when he wants to be lol) and 5 years later were stronger than ever and ttc I just think he may be scared and showing it in the wrong way :) hoping for u that giveit a few weeks and will be ok again and all these bad days can be forgotten hunni :) xxxx
  • Im going through similar thing. Have today told him if he does not want baby or support me throughout the pregnancy then I dont want him around. Its tough but iv got so much to focus on that I cant have him stressing me out. Hope it works out for you xx
  • Ah sorry you are going through this. It could just be because he is nervous after the miscarriage. Still not really a help because I'm sure you are too. Have you tried talking to him? Hope it all works out x
  • Thanks for the support girls, it really's hard cuz he just blocks up when I try to talk to him & tell him how I feel...he has his great moments and has come to every prenatal appt...but I need him there for me emotionally too & he doesn't get that...I hope it's just a phase and he goes back to normal asap!... @misselfae are things any better with u too? Is he trying to work it out?
  • My fiance is the same! He says hes excited n all that. But when it comes down to talkin about it he just switches off. He seems to think its not a baby till it comes out. News flash its a baby now and u need to start acting like a man NOW! ergh hed not even excited about shoppin for our baby. No emotional support what soever.
  • Yea im going thru da same thing I had a miscarriage rite n september after we laid his father n my brother to rest @ five months pregnant. I got bac pregnant n dec im going on 5mnths but its not like it was wen I was pregnant wit da baby dat I lost.he usef to rub my feet,back, n stomach he dnt even do dat anymore. Its like he dnt wanna b around me n always have an excuse for everything. I dnt knw y I gotta go thru dis if dis is something we both wantd
  • Yea im going thru da same thing I had a miscarriage rite n september after we laid his father n my brother to rest @ five months pregnant. I got bac pregnant n dec im going on 5mnths but its not like it was wen I was pregnant wit da baby dat I lost.he usef to rub my feet,back, n stomach he dnt even do dat anymore. Its like he dnt wanna b around me n always have an excuse for everything. I dnt knw y I gotta go thru dis if dis is something we both wantd
  • @Garden_of he still being an idiot. I sometimes get 5min when I think maybe there is hope! But as I say it lasts 5 min. Lol x
  • Mine did the same thing ....needed to say were no longer together..I'm trying to just be okay with him and said we can be friends and now he's all about helping out and shit like changing the cat boxes when he wouldn't before and them yell at me for doing it guys are just asses I told him of he doesn't change he's not going to doctor appts and not going tp the hospital when the babies born
  • And I had 2 early misscarriages in october and december..he was different with those two also..more excited and such..
  • Ladies this is a FYI..... preg women are hard to deal with. For a guy it is easy to forget hormones are a mother fuccer. It make you cranky and fight unfair. A young man has noooooooo clue how bad it is. He will take it personal... he needs to get with other guys that been down this road. They will teach him. First people I got with were my men friends that have kids and are good dads..... so I can Lear from them.
  • You ladies think its all about you....actually it is....but remember men are simple.....stroke our egos and we will do anything....
  • My bf/bd was the same way at the beginning..for about a month after I told him but now is very supportive. Yours might be scared or shocked. hopefully he'll come to his senses & get over it. Try talking to him & see what's going on. Good luck girl.
  • My baby daddy was my BEST friend we did EVERYTHING together he is 20 im 17 now he is always with my older cousin who is 21 and female! He doesn't even talk to me anymore every once in a while he asks how im doing. Idk if they are dating or not people ask me all the time and I can't help but cry. It hurts so bad that he could be this much of a douche and she could do something so cruel!!
  • Thnx guys for your stories & advice, it's nice to know of others working through it.. things are getting much better, he said he was scared & that's why he was acting different, but we had our 1st dr apt today & gotta hear the heartbeat & everything...he seems much better...keeping my fingers crossed
    & ty @bigpoppa it's good to hear a male's perspective on topics like these too
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