any young mommys out theree?

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
I feel like I'm the only one /: no judgement comments pleasee.


  • How old are you?
  • @newmommyy how old are you I just turned 21 in feb and 16 weeks with baby number 3 I have a 3 year old and 1 year old I also have 2 step daughters who are 12 and 11 the 12 year old lives with us how many little ones do you have?
  • @newmommyy Or your not the only one im 22 and have 3 children and 1 one the way I was 14 when I had my first son so don't feel like your the only one your not how old r u
  • Aww I was 16 when fell preggers with my 1st and 21 now ttc my 2nd :) your never alone spesh on pregly xx
  • I bearly turned 20 last week pregnant with 2nd baby! Ur def not the only one!
  • I am 17, this is my first pregnancy and it was a bit of a surprise. I am 11w1d and it is with my boyfriend of a year who is turning 21. We are both responsible and now excited for the pregnancy. I am so happy to see imm not alone. I was afraid of judgement like I got from the happy pregnancy forum app. Thank you all so muchh. I feel so much betterr (:
  • I'm 19 and my bd is 21 almost 22. He left me because I was lazy and let him do everything. I am trying to get him back because I love him more than life itself. Hope everything goes good for you
  • I'm 21 I will be 22 in June my daughter is due in may I'm 32 weeks this is my first my boyfriends second he is 25 & has a 4 year old we are currently seeking custody of
  • I'm 20 with# 2 :) I got prego with my first at 15 had him when I was 16 and I'll barley be 21 when I have this baby :) I'm almost 8 weeks
  • 19 with my first :)
  • I'm about to be 23 with my first baby. :) I'm 22 weeks tomorrow. My prayers are with you all, ladies!!!! :X
  • I am 23 with my first :) but i still think i am young.
  • Im 19 with first due sept 10 and fiance is 22
  • Im 19 with my first my hubby is almost 23 :) sooooo excited and nervous lol im almost 14 weeks
  • Be turning 21 when I'm 8 months prego in august. I'm 15 weeks now :) Hubby is 23 will be 24 in December.
  • Now i feel odd my bd is almost 29 lol
  • Heyyy I'm a young mum with my first on the way. I'm 21 and very much excited
  • 17, happily married, husband is in the marines he is 23. We are 15 weeks pregnant
  • Im 20 and 17 weeks pregnant with my first tomorrow! Im sooo excited! :X
  • I'm 19.. I have a 2yo son and I'm 15 wks preg with my second :) you're def. not alone ;)
  • I'm 16, expecting my baby girl any day now. (:
  • Thank you and congradulations to you all, and good luckk (: nothing beats the compassion and understanding of pregnant womenn lol.
  • @ newmommyy I'm 17 will be 18 on september hubby is 22 and i m pregnant with my first, little boy due in july 31
  • Ill be 18 in july, hubbys turning 21 on wednesdayy. I'm due october 19, congrats on your little boy. Hopefully I have a girl, always wanted one (: thank you, its nice to see I'm not the only one.
  • I'm 19 I have a 2yr old son and Im pregnant with second 29 weeks a girl!! I'm active army a mechanic.
  • edited April 2011
    I'm 21 my bd is 29 and will be 30 just before baby is here, I had a son when I was 18 and I'm pregnant again (both planned) due 11th November :D
  • Congrats ladies, how did your lives change having a baby so young? I'm nervous about where ill be a few months from now /:
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