sex drive is gone

edited March 2011 in Pregnant
Has anyone else experienced loosing the desire for sex? I don't know what the real cause is. Sometimes I just don't feel very attractive but for the most part I just cant get in the mood. And I don't want my husband to think it has anything to do with him so I have had to fake a few times. Will this go away? It's really starting to bug me :(


  • I have not felt like having sex since I have been pregnant and trust me my husband wants it all the time so most times I just do it or make him use his hand. I am 26 weeks and my sex drive still has not returned. Sorry I couldn't help
  • Nice to know I'm not just crazy. Thank u!
  • Same here no desire like i lost my sexiness. And when i kinda want to he is not around, i also get nervous that he might cheat. Your not alone!!!
  • I was such a sex addict lol my bd was like what the hell happened lol my cats in heat so he says we switched roles lol
  • Same here but it goes n comes wit me
  • ughhh I feel the same way I sometimes must force myself to do it with my other pregnancy I was totally the opposite this suxs because I want to please him I just cant bring myself to even pose for him lol.
  • I'm the same way. I don't want to be touched, kissed, or anything sexual. My husband and I use to be very active so he's so confused on why I don't want it anymore. I don't know why I don't. Just don't. Like you ladies, ill take one for the team and let him do it but tonight I busted out crying as soon as he stopped. Glad I'm not the only one who has lost it.
  • I'm the opposite! I want it all the time I'm like out of control. I prefer quickies b4 work in the morning (never really cared for night whoopie) it improves my day definately. If my husbands not in the mood I make him in the mood cause well its easy for him to say no but when his body says yes I pounce! Haha
  • Haha. Too funny. I was like that before I go pregnant. I'm hoping it'll return soon!
  • We were very active before I got pregnant and thankfully school comes in the way so I don't say no very much so when he is in the mood I do anyway but I never get in to it. I just feel so huge it not pleasurable
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