You Know You're Pregnant When/If~~
I thought it would be cute and fun to do one of these... Kinda like, "You know you're a Redneck if"
Let's see what everyone has up their sleeves.
You know you're pregnant when you start eating foods you hate and start hating foods you used to eat...
You know you're pregnant if you use these phrase alot more than normally, "Now why did I cone in here again??" Or "Where in the wold did I put that!?"
Let's see what everyone has up their sleeves.
You know you're pregnant when you start eating foods you hate and start hating foods you used to eat...
You know you're pregnant if you use these phrase alot more than normally, "Now why did I cone in here again??" Or "Where in the wold did I put that!?"
You know you're pregnant when u curse ur dog out for no reason but the dog is ur bf lmao.
You know your prego when you want three different things for dinner and go to three different places to get one thing at eat place.
You know youre pregnant when you are hungry every two hours but nothing sounds good!
You know youre pregnant when your fuze is suddenly cut in half and when your not irritated, you are crying, peeing, nauseous, eating, or sleeping..
You know your pregnant when your boyfriend has to push you so you can sit up.
You know your pregnant when you have to literally roll out of bed.
You know your prego when you want three different things for dinner and go to three different places to get one thing at eat place.
U know ur pregnant when u can eat more than ur bf/hubby...
U know ur pregnant when it 2am and all u want is a milkshake and a pickle,,, yum
You know your preggo when u order an egg that u wanted for over an hour and they forgot to put soy sauce n duck sauce u get so mad u end up ripping the poor ladies head off over the phone jus for soy sauce n duck sauce....feel so silly