parvovirus/slapped cheek

edited March 2011 in Health
Does any1 know much about this? My niece might have it and I've been in contact. I'm 10 weeks and have a cold which could be symptoms. Gettin immunity results in a week.


  • I have never heard of that.. is it really dangerous? Hope you are okay hun :/
  • I use to wrk at the vet and I'm pretty sure only dogs.get that unless I'm confused about what you wrote. You did mean parvo virus right?
  • I heard its extremely dangerous for pregnant women. Id call your doc asap!
  • I think it's from day cares that's where I heard it's common. But I'm just referring to the slap cheek. I hope u don't have it bc it's really hard to get rid of
  • Google it mammaz I just did wiki had some info but u should call ur dr asap its contagious n risky so to speak in pregnant woman its transmitted by body fluid and rashy in adults it can be like arthritis as well best wishes girl hope I helped
  • Guess so!
  • Thanks ladies. I've been tested for immunity and I am already immune. It's very common in dogs but humans have it too. Most ppl don't know they have it as its like a cold/flu just lasts for weeks! I didn't know how dangerous it it to pregnant woman till the Dr phoned. I think every pregnant woman should be tested just like u r for rubella!
  • It also called fifths disease. The scientific term for it is parvovirus 19. There are human stands of parvo and animal strands, neither of which can be passed to the other species I just had to take the immunity test too, and I'm immune! But it can be very serious if contracted and passed to the baby.
  • Two of my kids had it. Its more contagious before the rash appears. That is what the kids pediatrician said.
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