Telling your other kids

edited April 2011 in November 2011
Hello all! I just wanted to know if anyone who has other children have told them about their pregnancy yet. My stepson is 12 and my other boy is 8. My Dr's appt isn't til the 18th, and my hubby and I were not going to tell them until then (just to make sure everything is ok.) But I feel guilty because I am so tired all the time and today I have such bad m/s, I have hardly left my bed. They have both said they would love to have another sibling and I am DYING to tell them. But is it too early? I am one day short of 6 weeks. Please let me know what you think.


  • It depends on their maturity level, if they would understand a miscarriage and you'd be comfortable explaining it to them, tell them. I have a 4 yo, so we're waiting a little longer to tell her.
  • I told my boys after I took the test cause I was crying I was so happy they were so excited
  • My sisters daughter was 2 when she found out she was pregnant. They told her and she was a little confused but then we started telling her she was gonna have a little sister, and someone to play with all the time and that she was gonna be the big sister and like just tried to make it exciting. Then after she was born, she was 3 and wanted to hold her and play with her once she was still in the hospital. Haha
    Now Isabella is 4 1/2 and Ava will be 2 in june. They are so cute and the best of friends! Hehe
  • Id tell them straight away cz they'll understand with them being older. My sons only 2 so we're going to explain it propley when I go for my 5 month scan, we're going to take him with us and let him see the baby on the screen and we're going to find out what we're having so we can tell him that's his brother/sister :)
  • @zekesmomma1 That is so cute! My only concern is (like Laura536 says) having to tell them if I m/c. I'm just not that far along. And like it or not, it happens. I'm still thinking...
  • I would tell them. God forbid you have a miscarraige they would notice something was wrong with their mommy. Death is a part of life and we don't know when it will come. But its important to deal with it when it happens. All that said your baby should be fine and it would be a joy to share with your children especially since they want a sibling.
  • @blissmarie23 Thank you for the encouragement. I am going total to ky hubby about it. And thank you to everyone else who posted so far. I really love this community of us preggos. I feel so supported : )
  • I meant "talk to my hubby." "Smart"phone my a**!
  • My son is only 3...we told him, but he doesn't really understand.
  • Told my boys around 10 weeks because I was not ready yet. They were sooo excited :)
  • Oh ya they are 10 years
  • Just told them. I have never seen them so ecstatic. No going back now!
  • I told my kids right after I told my husband. I was excited and wanted them to know, but most of all I figured they should know why I was miserable and, if I miscarried or something, I didn't want them to have to wonder why I was so sad or think it had anything to do with them. My step-son is almost 8 and my sons are 4 and 2. The 2 year old is still oblivious, but the other two are super excited, assuming they're getting a sister.
  • My kids are 12 and 7...I told them because I'm having some complications and just in case things go bad I wanted them prepared for things to be a little hectic around the house. They are super excited and prayerful that everything works out. They are my little support team :-) and us pregnant women can always use the extra love and support!!
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