Got home at 3 am.. there was no reception in the hospital lol. They said the bleeding was from the subcorianic hemorage. They said I should be ok with lots of rest and to fallow up with the doc. Saw thebaby on the u/s and heatbeat was at 153. I have to be careful and watch for blessing.
I had that... but only laste# one day... passed a clog size of egg... Dr put me on immediate bedrest. He said i could of lost bby anytime. I was on bedrest for over 2mnths. Now Im at 29wks, and back at work.... No bleeding... thank God. You MUST take care of yourself. Stay off your feet as much as you can.
I went through the same @ 7wks. Even had some bleeding at 19wks, but am 29wks and besides pain from baby pressing on a pancreatic tumor and gestational diabetes, I'm doing ok. Baby however is completely fat, happy, & healthy. I'll keep u in my prayers
@Blueanjel i am right there w u. That is what they found w me last thursday. Told me to take it easy and gets lots of rest. Gl w the rest of your pregnancy.
@Blueanjel hey honey, I had a subchorionic hem @ 11 weeks with my son. I had blood down to my knees, totally saturated and sure I M/C. Turns out they called the bleeding "moderate" and put me on 5 days of bedrest with no sex for a few weeks. Though he was born 2 months early because the placenta also had an infarct, he's now a completely healthy, obnoxious 3 year old. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. I know what you're going through, so if you need an ear, I'm here. *hugs*
You MUST take care of yourself. Stay off your feet as much as you can.