I'm due 11-13. We are hoping for a boy we already have a two year old boy he needs a play mate. First ultrasound not until the 13th of april. I'm excited to hear the heartbeat.
Jtroy11 - I am the same .November 21st . The boyfriend and I want a girl because he has a 4yr old boy from a previous relationship. fingers crossed for the both of us !!!,
My EDD is 11/18 but were preggo with triplets so probably deliver in Sept. This is #6-8 for me. These & twins I had in '03 are both surrogacies. I have 2 girls & a boy.
Nov 2nd I'm so excited this will be my first one and I'm hoping its a boy because my famliy is filled with girls!! Its time for a change but I have a feeling its a girl
I'm due Nov 19th. Hubby wants a boy. I have a boy (2yr 4mo) & a girl (9mo on Mar 27). I think it is either a boy or twins again. I lost my sons twin bro 6 days b4 they were born.
luck to all the mommy out there and god bless you and your baby.
So excited! Really hoping for a little mini me