Unique way i can tell your baby's gender. (just for fun!) :)



  • Yay!!!!! I want a little girl so bad! I already have a little boy who's 19 months so I'm def excited to hear ur answer!!!! Thank You!
  • hey...i hope yu tell me wat im hopin for! :).Me, him, both (honestly) , me, me, me!!!
  • This is so much fun.. Pls try it on me.
    Me, him,him,him,him,me. I am due aug 4 so wont find out until maybe next month..:(
  • @Lgarrapy ~ honestly your answers point more to a girl than a boy.. hope you get the little girl you want! When do you get to find out?
    @mixd_mommy ~ boy!
    @mdiaz~ Girl Girl Girl all the way.
  • Omg..dats wat i wanted yu to say. Lol. I honestly feel like its a boy..i felt da same w l my last...hes a boy & dats exactly wat i felt. Lol. Thank yu! My fingers r crossd & i find out in a couple weeks!! I will keep in touch
  • I would love to know


    Thanks so much
  • Thanks so much will keep u posted. :)
  • I was hopin u was goin to say girl, cuz thats what it feels like. But either way is fine, as long as its healthy. I find out I probably a week, so u'll keep u posted.
  • @lovey590 ~ answers point to a boy.. but I'm feeling more of a girl .. if that makes sense.. Can you answer the additional 4 questions just to be sure?
  • me
    facial looks me, body looks, him
  • Well I go today for some pretesting and they will be doing a ultrasound, I have heard of people finding out around 14 weeks so I hope we can see early. If not then in like 5 weeks I will let u know today eather way! Thanks sloop much ur the only person to say girl I hope u and I are right!
  • Mine came out boy again!? lol
    Everyone thinks im having a girl
  • @mommy2be711 ~ boy
    @Lgarrapy good luck today!! I hope they can tell you the sex of the baby.. that would awesome to find out that early!
    @121908 .. well always go with your insticts.. if you really believe your having a girl.. then maybe you are.
  • Me. Boyfriend me me boyfriend me
  • @tifferzz09 can you answer the additional 4 questions.. yours is stumping me for some reason..
    Have you or your spouse cheated? Which one of you?
    Are you or your spouse overweight?
    What is your occupation?
    Which of you is more flirtatious?
  • Can u repost the questions plz
  • Hi, me him me him me me
  • Here are the questions.. and it would help if everyone would go ahead and answer the additional questions too.. that way if they are split they can easily be answered.
    Who worries more about the bills?debt being paid on time?
    Who is more carefree?
    Who is more attractive?
    Who is more of a stickler to the rules?
    Who is more social/outgoing?
    Who cares more about there looks/body image?

    Additional 4 questions..
    Have you or your spouse cheated? Which one of you?
    What is you and your spouse's occupation?
    Are you or your spouse overweight?
    Which of you (if either) is more flirtatious?
  • Him him him me him me
  • Nope 100% honest an Nope neither of us r overweight student goin to college to b a teacher an I'm prob the flirtatious one
  • Same me me him him me no iron melter unemployed no neither
  • @Rissalee7~ yours was a bit confusing.. I'm going to say girl.. but the answers were VERY close.
  • Lol ya don't matter to us but did find out baby has enlarged kidneys which is more prevalent in boys I get another ultrasound done vday to check kidneys so hopefully we can see what the sex is
  • Yay! I hope your right! I already have a little boy and 4 nephews! Its time for a girl ;-)
  • @Rissalee7 .. that is so scary.. I have never heard of that condition before. I wish you the best.. it could very well be a boy, your answers were split both ways.
  • All that ive read says the kidneys will get to normal most likely before birth if they haven't all ready
  • @Rissalee7 that's very good news at least.. hope everything works out well.
  • Thanks im not too worried baby is stiil very active starting to feel it from the outside and has a good strong heartbeat
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