ok I need some help and advice...please dont judge or be rude



  • I smoked for ten years and quit cold turkey the day I found out. I've seen a Dr and a midwife and they both told me it was fine. The benefits of quitting far outweigh the risks of stressing the baby out. They both told me that. Good luck!!!! :)
  • I'm not a smoker luckily but thought your post was interesting. It's hard enough being pregnant at times without the added stress of trying to quit smoking. I really do wish you all the best of luck for you and bubs and hope you find a safe way to quit. Goodluck xox
  • This is my second pregnancy also and both times I found out I've quit cold turkey ... my stress really wasn't bad I guess what I did is just prayed and found it in my heart to not let myself freak out cuz I knew I had good motavation for the babies :) I know its harder for some but honestly any addiction is a mind game just be strong and find the will power to say no.. a big help is try to always keep urself busy and moving this will keep ur mind off of that .. chewing gum also helped me. Good luck
  • I wish you so much luck and success with quitting. I quit cold turkey and it's been a bit of a challenge. I was so used to coming home after work and enjoying wine and a few smokes. I definitely miss it but this gave me a reason to quit. I never smoked much but I don't know if I would have been able to quit without this incentive. I understand. It's definitely hard. Good luck!
  • I quit cold turkey its mind over matter n in my mind my baby was my driving force so it was easy...I just didn't think about it
  • Bupropion will help if you're depressed as well--that was what my doc prescribed for my depression during my first pregnancy. The only side effect that I found when I researched it (granted, this was nearly 5 years ago) was possible collicky behavior in the newborn, but if you go off of it early enough I doubt that would be a consideration. I smoked with my first two pregnancies--with my first until I was 4 months and with my second until I was 2 1/2 months. It was the hardest thing ever, but I took it an hour at a time for the first few days. And if I gave in, I just started my count over again. My mantra became 'if I could do it for the last hour, I can do it for the next.' I drank tons of water, too, because I didn't want to gain a ton of wait but I needed something in my mouth. Sadly, after both pregnancies I started smoking again, but when my youngest was 7 months old I quit again and (thankfully) this is my first pregnancy not smoking at all. If you want to talk or complain or anything at all feel free to message me. It sucks and it's hard, but you can do it.
  • I am 18 weeks as well and still smoke..... I went to the dr on thurs and she gave me the ok to use the nic gum she said to chew it for as long as it takes you to smoke I have not tried it yet because I amscared...... i know I have to quit and it is driving me crazy..... I worrie about my baby I don't really have support my husbands way of helping me is to punish me he says I am a pussy and to just quit he says I am a pig an that I make him sick. He does not even sleep in bed with me anymore. I know he is worried but I wish I had more support he also won't go to any dr appts with me and he does noteven talk about the baby he says I get no special pregnancy treatment til I quit.... I feel like a kid I want to quit for my baby but at the same time I don't want him to think I did it because of him....I don't work well with someone trying to control me I just shut down.... anyway thanks for listening to me I know what I have to do I just wish it was not so hard if I can quit I will never smoke again this is just to hard to go through again and again I quit with my son....sorry so long but if you need a buddy let me know.......
  • all I know is its not good to use remedies to help you quit they all say do not take if breastfeeding or pregnant. Just try and cut back slowly you don't have to quit cold turkey just go from say smoking 10 a day to maybe 5 a day anything is better than nothing. I'm a smoker as well and keep it 5 a day max and still cutting back.
  • My cousin was a smoker and tried to quiit cold turkey when she was oreggo, and ut made her real suck. Dr told her just to smoke 1 or 2 and no more. She did ok. Baby low birth weight, but overall healthy. Goodluck, I admire your desire to quit bc that is what's best for you and your kids. ;)
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  • What about being hypnotized? Don't know if it works, but I imagine it can't do any harm. Good luck.
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  • My doctor said that the 2mg niccorette gum is safe during pregnancy, that it is better than smoking ciggarettes that have all the additive chemicals...
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  • Maybe you can try switching to american spirits natural ciggs while your trying to quit to help avoid the added chemicals, good luck doll
  • Try gum and keeping your hands busy and when ever you get a craving for a cig pop a. Stick of gum in
  • Smoking hotlines and perhaps a pregnant friend or a friend who doesn't smoke. Don't use nicotine patches or gum, that is horrible for the baby. Talk to you ob about chantix. Our try one of those water vapor cigarettes, the don't have the chemicals and you can choose the amount of nicotine in them, better for you and the baby!
  • Hun I congrats you for doing this! My cousins wife is 32 & she just had her first baby, she has been smoking since she was 17. My cousin refuses to quit smoking so his wife decided that for their baby so she quit smoking cold turkey & their baby is the happiest, most loveable lil girl ever! The dr said she did the best thing for her baby & herself ;) Good luck!
  • Like I've told others and will tell everyone I can. Absolutely NEVER NEVER use the electric cigarette. It is worse than regular cigarettes. They have a known carcinogen (cancer) in them. The same one they use in labs to give the rats cancer to try to find a cure WHICH THEY HAVEN'T FOUND. please ladies don't use these or if you don't believe me Google them. They will give you the facts if you can't quit just try to cut down the best you can don't stress like you all have said its not good on you and baby
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