I have one at the mo and am on anti-biotics go to your doctor I ended up in hospital yesterday as I had no symptoms and started having contractions every 5 mins at 28 weeks was very scary
I got one 4 weeks ago. The antibiotics the doctor gave me were given to me a lot with my first child and stopped being as effective. 2 weeks later it came back with the fury of 10,000 fiery suns. Same antibiotic again. 7 days passed still no curage.
I found during this very very painful time to mix water and cranberry juice because sometimes if the infection is bad, the acid and sugar in the juice will make things worse.
If you feel a dull ache in your lower back, a nice tall glass or two of water with help relieve the pain being caused by your kidneys. )
Also be wary of a possible yeast infection following the antibiotic. Should ask your ob about both when she/he talks to you about the results of your urinalysis. And try to see them asap, there is no reason for you to be any less comfortable than pregnancy is probably already making you feel.
I have had a bladder infection, a kidney infection, and kidney stones with this pregnancy. If you start having lower abdomenal pains(not like contractions) and the left and right lower back start hurting talk to your doctor. I am on Ceflex til the end of my pregnancy.
I had one at the beginning of my pregnancy and the Dr told me to drink lots of water, prescribed me an antibiotic, and told me to get some over the counter AZO pills. These are the pills that help numb the pain, but they do make your urine bright orange.
Some abdominal pains during this time can be deceiving around this time in pregnancy, however. It could be caused by everything the woman listed above and ligament pain. Be sure to tell your doctor everything that concerns you and how exactly you're feeling so you can get all the right treatment
Ive been gettin abdominal pain,just the usual reg cramps, but ill be checkin if they worsen and also on the look out for back aches... Thanks @threefatsamurai@hurstk28 & @bethann87 very helpful info... I was kinda feeling it earlier, the urge to pee then nothing pours out but it has stopped, im gonna be watching out for it during the day
Oh, in a lot of pain and consider chewing the Azo type pill? Although it's safe, it is the worst idea ever. The pill tastes so nasty and might make you puke lol
@hurstk28 had the same thing. Uti then kidney pains and then kidney stones. All they could do was treat the uti until baby is born. Then treat kidneys. I feel your pain.
I found during this very very painful time to mix water and cranberry juice because sometimes if the infection is bad, the acid and sugar in the juice will make things worse.
If you feel a dull ache in your lower back, a nice tall glass or two of water with help relieve the pain being caused by your kidneys.