I hope my baby is okay... :'(
- Username
- threefatsamurai
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- 41
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threefatsamuraiForce feed my baby like that again hospital, I'm gonna blow your face up, assholes. (`皿´)July 2011
threefatsamuraiWish I knew for sure what was going on. Pregnancy is so mysterious. o(╯□╰)oJuly 2011
threefatsamuraiWhy does pregnancy have to hurt so bad? I don't remember being in this much pain the last time....no bueno. ( ´Д`)=3 바보 임신 고통!!!! 난 더이상 다치게하고 싶지 않아... 너무 슬퍼~~ 몰라~!!! (つд⊂)June 2011
threefatsamuraiCasey Anthony, you fail and I super Mega loath your meaningless existence. \(*`∧´)/June 2011