I cant get this funny taste out of my mouth!!??

edited April 2011 in First Trimester
Through out the day and night I constantly have this icky taste in my mouth I think its kinda like metal and vitamin taste. No matter how much I brush its still there gross!! Anyoneelse have any funny taste?


  • I'd go to the dentist u might have gingevitis. It's very common for preggers moms to get it easier even with regular brushing and flossing. They can clean ur teeth and give u medicated toothpaste and mouth wash to keep it at bay :) just let them know ur preggers and don't let them do any x rays. Gl mama and happy pregnancy. In the mean time try to rinse with warm water and baking soda or just peroxide and floss really good :) hope this helps.
  • yeahhh !! lol nothing works bloody awful its pregnancy for ya tho x
  • @kingsmama unfortunately that's not it I just went to the dentist a couple days ago I'm all clear lol the doc said its just a part of preggoness. And it should eventually go away

    @samiuk right nothing works every preggo is diff aggghhhhhh lol
  • Mine goes from a lemon without the lemon flavor, to a metal, to a vitamin/medicine taste. It depends on what I eat. Sweet brings the first, spicy brings the third, and randomly the second. I brush 2-3 times a day now with no fix. :( no bfp yet. Ill test next week...
  • I have heard that some pregnant women just get a metallic taste in their mouth. I know this is not very helpful, but I think it is probably one of those crazy pregnancy symptoms.
  • Estrogen regulates our sense of taste (to a point) so when we get preggo, the fluctuation causes that metallic taste. It will usually subside by second trimester. Until then, sour foods and drinks help.
  • I've had the bad taste in my mouth thing up until a week ago... it just went away out of nowhere ... how far along are you??? I'm currently 12 weeks
  • I rinse mouth with scope whenever I get a nasty taste in my mouth, that seems to help me. Also dnt forget to brush ur tongue, I kno its hard bc ur gag reflex is in full blow. They also hav these tongue cleaners that are like a strip
  • It won't go away for me either its so bad!
  • Grrr this thing always messes up on my phone.... but anyway its like a strip of plastic u run over ur tongue n it cleans the taste buds. Hope this helps!!! O and also of ur on antibiotics for uti or bv those can give u a very metallic taste. Drink tons of water!!! :)
  • Omg!!! Me too its an ugly taste...
  • Its called dysgeusia. Its all because of hormones and there's unfortunately no way to get rid of it. You just have to wait it out. I got it around 16wks and it disappeared around 18wks. Its no fun :0&
  • Same here. It's gross.
  • I have the same problem. It happens with anything I eat or drink even water. Nothing seems to help.
  • My wife also has the same problem but does anyone have it accompanied with there breath smelling like metal we are not sure if its her G.E.R.D
  • @nervous_hubby me personal I don't have the the breathe accompanied with it but some might? As long as she is sure its not gengavitis or anything like that (no offense) but preggo woman tend to get that and its bad for the baby she might want to check with her dentist if not sure
  • I had the taste and the breath to go with it... it went away for me at about 12 w. Sucking on sour candy helped me..
  • Well candy store here I come :-D
  • Yeah I got that nasty taste in my mouth also and it makes me gag like crazy!!! There really isn't anything you can do I find myself grabbing candy or sunflower seeds to help but it does come back!
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